This Is What Happens When I Drop An Algae Wafer In My 55


Jun 2, 2016
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First they root it around, and it always end up under this little amazon sword
Then they knock it back out, or whats left of it and they all try to eat it
This is what happens if I drop one on the end of the tank, hoping my new little pleco will see it. The neons got it first.
I dropped both of these in the tank last night, but don't worry, I did not have it rotting and turning foul in the water....they were both completely gone within 5 minutes!
You need to get wafers that don't have fish meal in it. The generic ones everyone likes because it has fish meal in it the ones without only bottom feeders feed on

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I looked at the ingredients and it doesn't say it has fish meal in it.   Just algae meal and other veggie meals.   But whatever is in them all the fish love them.  
My Black Widow Tetras will pick up the algae wafer and swim around with it in its mouth.
Do the Corys get other pellets / wafers as well?

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They do. Actually I am pretty positive I  give them too many pellets everyday. Why? Because all those other fish eat them too!  I have other fish attacking those pellets before they ever hit the bottom of the tank.  
I must have strange
When I try to feed a wafer or slice of squash to my bristlenose pleco all the African Cichlids get to it first. The Livingstonii is big enough to get the whole wafer in her mouth and she keeps it away from the others. In the end there's still a hungry pleco and an engorged cichlid... 

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