Third Swordtail Fry Batch, Hoplo Gone Crazy Again.


Tiny fish
Jan 16, 2012
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These newest fry, even though they belong to the same blood red female, look kind of odd. They're yellowish and look more like guppy fry. I didn't bother to save them (they were born yesterday after a water change).
So far there are about 3 of them, maybe 4, hiding either in the moss or above the filter but they sometimes roam the whole tank.

My hoplo started playing his daddy role to them again. He has blue in his fins and on his belly, gathered all the grass he could find, even tried to make some kind of bubble nest under fry cage but failed, I found a ton of grass there.
Now he moved some of it above the filter where a fry went. He moves between the bush and filter and chases the old swordtails away when they get too close.
This is one of the cutest pics I could catch of him and a fry.

Tzuppy scaring Eris (the one whose tail is on the left) away from the bush.

Not saving these fry as I'm expecting Eris' fry and I want to add them to the fry cage later on, probably going to move Pinky to the main tank within a week or two since she's big enough to not get eaten.
5 survivors counted. 2 are sitting atop the filter (fed them some powdered flake) and 3 are in the bush.

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