Hello, all i joined the fish keeping business over a year now and i love it sadly i have taken the decision to move to Australia now i know that i cant take my fish or any of my kit with me
man i wish i could, but i would like to know what is it like over there to keep fish? im gona be moving to Brisbane so anyone from there would be amazing
im hoping its the same as over here, altho when i went over for 2 weeks to visit i didnt see one fish shop and the pet stores i went into looked pretty grim no offence only gold fish to
i know temperature is going ot be more of a problem over there, how do you guys keep the water temp down? or dose it just stay down
all comments much appreciated
i know temperature is going ot be more of a problem over there, how do you guys keep the water temp down? or dose it just stay down
all comments much appreciated