Think I've Messed Up...


Fish Fanatic
Aug 29, 2013
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So I have been looking for a pair of Bolivian Rams for the past week.

Visited my biggest LFS today and they didnt have any but they had some (what was labelled) 'Rams' 
Upon asking advice if they had similar requirements as a BR they said they would be fine. (worried about the PH difference as i know BR are not as sensitive as other Rams)
Their tank PH was 7.1 and mine is 7.6.
These are what I brought:


Are they going to be okay at PH7.6? I think these are a more sensitive wild Ram...
They are fine at the moment and both swimming round normally and have eaten (i saw 1 of them eat anyway)
Ch4rlie's quite right, those are GBR.
The pH is not really so vital for them; it's the hardness of the water that's critical. They also do best at warmer temperatures than most tropicals (up around 28°C) and need very low nitrate (certainly less than 30ppm).
Ah well it's pretty hard. Havnt got the readings to hand but I believe 12 is a hardness number that comes 2 mind.

See I thought they might be German blues But there was a Tank next to them full of German blues and they didn't look the same
LFS are notorious in misidentifying fish. Everytime I buy fish from them, I am really scared in getting the wrong stuff.

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