There Prices Have Fallen Achiles Tang

hi tina

why do you not get that pair of flame angels for your tank they might spawn my cherubs used to spawn you could make good money out of it thats if they do spawn
give me a small clue please

Fine then! lol i will just have to bite my time for the next 10 days

then i am not telling you what i am getting then
Thats fine, I will be nice and patient and wait for the pictures on the 29th.

I will only be going to aquarium shops on my birthday. If we can find some seats I can sit on in a pub we may eat whilst we are out.

Otherwise, being disabled after the accident, I am unable to do much. It will be the first birthday in 3 or 4 yrs that I have not been abroad in either Turkey or Egypt. Already been this year.

tina are you telling me i am not ''nice' :unsure: and i can wait i wont bug you about it again

and try not to get drunk at the pub so behave your self

tina i must of missed something Otherwise, being disabled after the accident what happen never heard anything about it and sorry to hear about it not meanin g to be rude or anything :sad:

regards scott
No not saying you are not nice at all, just an expression I use. Mainly it means I will be nicely patient.

I had an accident at work, a machine weighing a 1/4 of a tonne hit me in the corridor at work. Cracked 4 teeth including the front 2 which have had to be crowned and has damaged the sacro iliac and facet joints at the base of my spine. I walk on crutches and barely walk any distance at all without needing to sit. I cannot sit for very long without moving about a bit, I cannot sleep properly hence being on here at all hours of the morning.

I cannot drink either, I have been on Morphine since February and will need it at least till December when I am having my nerves at the base of the spine burnt.

I have Osteoarthritis because of it now. Cannot stand straight, let alone walk straight.

Its been a tough time, that is why the tank is so important to me, I am stuck out on the Lancashire moors with no transport as I cannot use my right leg and rely on mum or andrew to take me anywhere. The tank gives me something to do, I test alot, I read alot and I watch it alot. It keeps me sane, one reason I think why Andrew suggested having the 6ft tank, he knows how much entertainment I get from watching the tank, the inhabitants and doing my testing. He does all the lifting and carrying though.

Just need to find a second hand tank if possible, that will give me more money to spend elsewhere on the project. If I absolutely have to, I will eventually buy new.

EDIT I thought you knew, most people do.
hi tina

i am so sorry to hear that sounds painful

about 10 years ago in orlando in florida and me and my day rented a boat for a few days and as usall i allways go scuba diving when i was out i was coming up from to get back on the boat when a jetski was comming along and hit me i craked my jaw broke my to legs my left arm and had a bad brain injury and could not remember any thing didnt know who any one was couldnt evern remember my family didnt even know the meaning of hello couldnt even remeber where i lived nothing so luckily my dad got me out in time had a lot of water in my lungs and blood comming from my head but every thing turned out ok but still dont know what people that know me really well so i was lucky i could have died that day still get really bad headics but i am ok now but still get headics and nose bleeds but apart from that i am ok and still luck to be here


tina i didnt have a clue about it but am sorrry to hear about it
Eventually everything will be ok. Its just a long haul to get to that point as I am sure you will know.

Is there something about us that makes us prone to accidents, something to do with when we were born. Its a bit weird that isn't it.

Glad your OK now though.

I am lucky that work have taken responsibilty for the accident. Otherwise if it was anywhere else, I would not have a job by now. Have no idea when I will be able to work again. I actually work in a hospital would you believe. Microbiology lab.
can you not get compinsation if it was not your fault

yeh it is weired same kind of stuff happen to us

but when you think about it you we are always greatful for what our familiy dose for us so we can pull through

regards scott
I will be getting compensation but the medical assessments are taking a while as they are not sure yet what effects I will be left with and exactly how long it will take to get mobility back etc. My dental fees will also need to be paid which are well over a £1000 so far.

If work will not wait until I am able to return to work and try to get rid of me, there will also be an industrial tribunal.

Problem is it will be a while until I see any money from it.

My family and Andrews family have been brilliant, could not do without them. My mum has only just finished chemo though, she has her own problems and Andrew had a pituitary tumour that may need another course of radiotherapy soon.

My chin stays up though. I get on as best as I can.

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