The Official "hey Lovelies" Thread

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I think those Kuhlis are all the same, just changing shirts.............. :shifty:
My kuhlis have finally got their confidence back after my big rescape... I'm watching em' sifting through the sand right now :shifty:
Good to hear Lucy!

It would seem that Mr.Fishy (the first fish I had, a green glofish) is nearing the end.
He's developed a sunken belly and a curved spine. He's less active. He's been around for 3+ years now, the first two in an unheated, poorly filter 2.5 gallon.
I hope he goes off well.
Hey Lovelies!

So I let Zach (11 years old) go with his friend & his friend's father to the State Fair & he came home with (2) Comet Goldfish! The father brought the boys to Walmart where they both picked out little tanks and now we're running a 3 gallon Tetra plastic cube thing with LED lights. What makes me mad is that the tank was $30 that he could've better used for fish he already has. He was also well aware that I was going to set up my 10 gallon with a divider so I could keep (2) Bettas. I had told him about Petco having some really cool Elephant Ear Halfmoons & Deltas........

Oh well, I guess it's going to be a winter with (5) tanks running............. :rolleyes: And Yes, I'm well aware that Comets can grow up to 12 inches long and can live for decades. We're hoping to wait for summer & release them into my father's pond.

Here's some pics of Zach's new Comet tank:


Hey Lovelies!!

Gots to do a water change on the 37 gallon..

doing it now..
I vote spankings to the death!!!!!! :D poor little comets. With you though, they'll have a good home for a while though. I hate it when I waste my money on stuff. 2 times now I've paid good money on some fish and they've all died :( (shrimp, and Pygmy cories.)

Hey Lovelies!

So I let Zach (11 years old) go with his friend & his friend's father to the State Fair & he came home with (2) Comet Goldfish! The father brought the boys to Walmart where they both picked out little tanks and now we're running a 3 gallon Tetra plastic cube thing with LED lights. What makes me mad is that the tank was $30 that he could've better used for fish he already has. He was also well aware that I was going to set up my 10 gallon with a divider so I could keep (2) Bettas. I had told him about Petco having some really cool Elephant Ear Halfmoons & Deltas........

Oh well, I guess it's going to be a winter with (5) tanks running............. :rolleyes: And Yes, I'm well aware that Comets can grow up to 12 inches long and can live for decades. We're hoping to wait for summer & release them into my father's pond.

Here's some pics of Zach's new Comet tank:


Thanks for that vote of confidence but I wasn't looking to inherit two Comets. :angry:

I guess we'll have to deal with it. He's done a 1/3 water change every day since we got them. The crap filter the kit came with had a tiny worthless air pump that I just changed out for a good one. I swear that filter wasn't doing anything but bubbling.

I told him he should've bought the same 5 gallon glass tank that we got used for his friend's Betta. I paid $10 for that tank from craigslist & it came with a light fixture & hood! All it needed was a filter & a bulb.........
hey, random but whats the difference in a dojo loach and a kuhli loach?
hey, random but whats the difference in a dojo loach and a kuhli loach?

A Golden Dojo Loach is a hypomellanistic form of the Weather Loach. Both are Misgurnus anguillicaudatus, and they grow up to 10 inches and need coldwater. Dojo's also live in China, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, Taiwan, Hong Kong, South and North Korea, and Japan.

Kuhli Loach is a broad term used to describe many species of loach from the Pangio genus. The maximum size of kuhlis is 4 inches, need tropical temperatures, and are found in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Borneo, Laos, and Cambodia.
Ugh, shoulda called the fish store last night before they closed to see if they had two more Eheim 2217's in stock, they dont open till 11 and they're still not answering their phone yet so my trip has been delayed by two hours :<
I give you, Leo and Lily. The original loach lovebirds :wub:


But don't forget Luke! He's the most adventurous! He's always out :wub:

So you're not getting the elephant ear betta?! :-(

Well here's the short version:

I came home with a Betta last night. It was labelled as a Delta Tail Betta but I believe it was mis marked since it has the typical big, white "ears" that the Elephant Ear Bettas have. I still want the original Betta I saw but that one was $20 so he won't be getting sold soon anyway. This one was mis marked so I got him for only $7. I knew he wouldn't last at that price. The plan is to setup the 10 gallon with a divider so it can house both of them comfortably. The problem is, I can't get the freakin floppy divider to work so I returned it.

Side note:

While I was at Walmart looking for a rigid type divider, I saw they had female Dwarf Gouramis! I bought 2 of them for $2.44 each...............

I realize I have a problem :unsure:
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