The Official "hey Lovelies" Thread

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Fish Crazy
Apr 28, 2012
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Hey Lovelies!!!!

Just got up and went down stairs to check out my tanks. No dead fish today, which is always a good thang.. Hope to has a nice chillaxing day.. We shall see what transpires.. Now, I must do what must be done, then go downstairs and watch my guppys..
Hey Lovelies!!!

I went to my LFS today and got three emerald corys..

One of them isn't acting right.. I named him Benny..
Hey Lovelies!!!

Benny died last night.. Too bad.. hardly knew the lil feller... But the good news is, one of my female guppies had fry last night.. I has aboot 20 lil guppy swimming around..
Hey Lovelies!!!

looks like I've lost a couple guppy fry.. Got my acrylic breeding box in the mail today..
Hey Lovelies!!!

I think I has a guppy ready to pop.. She's my biggest one and has been fat for a few weeks now, yet no fry.. what gives??

Also my Asian Bumblebee cats are bad.. They aren't afraid to take algae pellets from my corys..
Hey Lovelies!!!

Just got up doing a wake and...

well after that I'll go downstairs and check on the guppies.. i wonder if my huge female popped yet..
Hey Lovelies!!!

Still no new guppy babies..

Anyhoo, going to do what I do and watch my fish fer a lil bit, or so I has heard...
Hey Lovelies!!!

My Cream Guppy popped and my Betta had a feast.. Oh well..
Hey Lovelies!!!

I managed to save aboot ten fry.. I had six fry in my small tank that I couldn't transfer to the larger tank.. When I got up this morn I had none in the small tank..
Hey Lovelies!!!

I lost my female guppy who had fry last week.. She went and disappeared.. I also has an empty apple snail shell.. Also four oto cats and one cory cat went missing..

I has five ammano skrimps in my tank.. Is it possible they're killing these, or eating their dead bodies at night??
Hey Lovelies!!!

I lost my female guppy who had fry last week.. She went and disappeared.. I also has an empty apple snail shell.. Also four oto cats and one cory cat went missing..

I has five ammano skrimps in my tank.. Is it possible they're killing these, or eating their dead bodies at night??

Hey Lovelies!!!

I found my guppy in the sump.. There was also a fry in there.. I managed to resue both.. I still thinks my ammano skrimps are eating the fish, hence why I has five missing cat fish..

Hi, Hambone, did you cycle your tank before adding fish?

Hey This Old Spouse, the tank was cycled..
Hey Lovelies!!!

Doing a wake and ... then it's off to watch the guppies fer a bit whilst enjoying a cup of coffee..
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