So I haven't bought any new fish in a long time because my family was planning on moving. We moved on the weekend and my tanks have been set up since Monday night. Luckily all my fish survived the move!
My 20 gal has been empty for over a month, (It was a hospital tank when I bought some fish that developed ick) It killed all the fish in said tank, I left it up and running and dropped a few flakes of food in every day in an attempt to keep it cycled. Sadly I killed a good number of my snails, but at least there isn't any ick in the tank now.
I used that month to really think about what I wanted in the tank. I wanted an interesting fish that was colorful but rather easy to care for. I decided on German Blue Rams. So I did my research - I still have a lot of questions, as reading conflicting opinions on the internet can only be so accurate.
I forgot how exciting it is to go into the store with the intention of buying fish
and the store I went to today (Which is about half an hour away and not my usual store) was super helpful (And has easily 5 times the stock my local pet store has) I walked in and must have spent 40 minutes just wandering around looking at their display tanks, seeing which fish I could name.
They didn't have the pygmy corys I was looking for to go int he 20 gal with the pair of Rams but perhaps that's for the best, I don't want to over load the filter right off the bat. The Ram's I bought were both less than an inch so I don;t think they'll be to bad. (If a pair of rams is too much for my 20 gal I can move them over to my 30 gal in the future) All the info I found said 1 was okay for a 20 gal and 40 gal was okay for 2 pairs, but it didn't specify for ONE pair..weird right?
I also bought three female platy's for my 30 gal for a pop of color
I love buying myself christmas presents that I really want
My 20 gal has been empty for over a month, (It was a hospital tank when I bought some fish that developed ick) It killed all the fish in said tank, I left it up and running and dropped a few flakes of food in every day in an attempt to keep it cycled. Sadly I killed a good number of my snails, but at least there isn't any ick in the tank now.
I used that month to really think about what I wanted in the tank. I wanted an interesting fish that was colorful but rather easy to care for. I decided on German Blue Rams. So I did my research - I still have a lot of questions, as reading conflicting opinions on the internet can only be so accurate.
I forgot how exciting it is to go into the store with the intention of buying fish
They didn't have the pygmy corys I was looking for to go int he 20 gal with the pair of Rams but perhaps that's for the best, I don't want to over load the filter right off the bat. The Ram's I bought were both less than an inch so I don;t think they'll be to bad. (If a pair of rams is too much for my 20 gal I can move them over to my 30 gal in the future) All the info I found said 1 was okay for a 20 gal and 40 gal was okay for 2 pairs, but it didn't specify for ONE pair..weird right?
I also bought three female platy's for my 30 gal for a pop of color
I love buying myself christmas presents that I really want