The Jobs We Love To Hate

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Warning - Mad Cory Woman
Oct 24, 2011
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So, I noticed last night that both of my external filters were running so slow that there was hardly any surface movement - well as it was 9.30pm I wasn't going to start messing about with it then but vowed to sort it out first thing this morning.
Firstly, I'd only cleaned one filter (filter 2) just over a week ago and so I knew it couldn't be needing doing again so soon so I grabbed my torch and started checking hoses .... and inwardly groaned. Both sets of pipes were so badly blocked that there was no wonder I have a slow flow on both.
I HATE this job ... it's the job that stresses me out. It's the job that makes me wish I'd never started fish keeping!
I decided I'd do the easy filter first (filter 1) - I took both pipes out of the tank, into a bucket and into the kitchen. Both pipes were full of lovely brown gunk. I un-fastened the pipes one by one  - ha ... I've learned to do them one at a time! It's not the first time I've got them back to front, got them all back in the tank and hooked back up to the filter only to find it won't run cos I've got the inlet pipe on the outlet block! 

I'm lucky in one sense as the handles on my kitchen cupboard allows me to pass the pipe behind it and it hold it in place while I run some water and a brush through it and into a bucket on the floor. That's the easy part.
Meanwhile, no matter how carefully I undo stop valves there's water all over the floor which I find is a wonderful slip hazzard, not to mention a sock soaker. There's brown gunk going everywhere and I'm losing my temper ... I did say I HATE this job!
Today though I made it even harder for myself. When I was trying to connect filter 1 back up I decided to trim a little more off the hoses. The thinking was - less kinks behind the tank means less chance of having to do this job again in a hurry. Well ... anyone who's trimmed hoses know's how blooming awkward it is. The freshly cut hose refuse to go back onto the valves don't they ... and so out comes the boiling water to soften them. There was me on my hands and knee's on the floor with everything back in the cupboard and a jug of boiling water balanced on the top of the filter wondering why I had the bright idea to shorten the hoses after I'd put the pipes back in the tank and got them into the cupboard. Meanwhile it's heating up in the flat, sweat is dripping off my nose, I'm up to my elbows in fish poo and brown gunk and I'm getting more stressed by the minute .... I feel a scream brewing 

I decided I may aswell give filter 1 a brief clean while I'm here and also change my phosphate remover. I got my phosphate remover ready in it's little media bag, I open the filter and give the sponges a swish, took out the old phosphate remover bag, cleaned my impellar and distribution plate of all the gunk and put the filter back together, got it primed and running ... turns around and there's the new phosphate remover bag still sat there .... I'd forgotten to put it in 
So on to filter 2 and this one is not so easy ... in fact it makes me want to scream and throw it out of the window ... why? Because filter 2 has got a hydor external heater attached and (as if it's not hard enough) the pipes for the hydor are larger than the filter pipes and so it's cobbled together with a plastic joint that my lfs did for me. It virtually impossible to get my pipe cleaning brush past the joint. I end up banging it on the side of the sink for ages trying to force it through ... all the time ranting at myself like a demented banshee.
At least when it came to shortening the filter pipes on this one I did it before hooking it back to the tank! By now I'm on a roll - or at least I think ...
... even though I'd run a cleaning brush through each pipe twice, held them up to the light to see they were free of gunk, and got my brush inside the connectors aswell, run everything under the hot tap, scrubbed and cleaned and got everything gleaming when I get filter 2 primed and running it fills the tank with bits of brown gunk!! Where the heck did that comes from .... so I swallowed down scream number .... 100? and got on with a water change to clear it. I needed doing but all in one morning? That wasn't part of the plan 

So now .... that bag of phosphate remover is still sitting there ... better switch off filter 1 again and put it in. I'll regret it I don't. So, in it goes to the, now full of water, filter ... I put the lid back on, it won't seal and it's spilling over. Now there's not just water all over the floor but all over me too. I look like I've entered a wet t-shirt competition and lost. I also look like I've wet myself. I eventually get it to seal and get it connected back up and switched on ... it won't start. It's just gurgling away to itself. I figure it's just air and ignore it ... it's running now but it's fizzing to itself and probably will for the next hour.
And so now, I'm sat looking at the kitchen from my sofa ... there's brown gunk on the cupboard doors, and I know the sink is full of it too. Let's not mention the floor... I've just about cooled down - in temperature and in my mood too and I'm wondering where the energy is coming from to go and clean the kitchen! 
I'm trying to see the funny side to this mornings antics and I thought I'd give you all a laugh at my expense too!
But before I go ... I'll ask you all...
What's the job you love to hate?
I'm hating trimming my 45 gallon, it's so heavily planted and tall that it makes it hard. Plus, recently I had a plant melt, so everything looks like crap in there even with the trim :lol:
I hear you Lyra, I'm less than 5 foot tall. To prune my tank I need the ladders and I always end up re-joining that wet t-shirt comp too!! Here's a tip, aquarium plant pruning scissors and tweezers. The one's I've got are about 12 inches long. It does make it easier when you're a short stuff :p
That brings back memories, struggling with external filter and hoses. When I got my first external filter, me being me decided I wanted the hoses as short as possible so that its more efficient, but made it into a royal pita as I then could not pull out the external filter due to the hoses being too short

Lots of lessons learned with that first external.
I am very methodical when it comes to doing external filter maintenance and always do them in a certain order that works for me, and i always take longer than I plan to actually complete the job from start to finish, never fails

But to be honest, when the job goes smoothly without any major mishaps, its a victory for me and I enjoy it

Trimming plants is not so bad, i find that mildly therapeutic.
THE one job I do not like is tidying up after I finish everything, somehow or other I make a goshdarned mess every time but the tank is gleaming and beautiful
hehehe ... bit like me sat looking at the brown gunk that had slashed onto the kitchen cupboards and floor ... and sink - surprised it's not on the ceiling! I sat and I looked at it for over an hour before I got up and cleaned it up. 
Rinsing sand and boiling driftwood. Time consuming and boring, but totally necessary. I hate both. I get to do both today! Setting up a new 75 gallon. Wish I had another set of hands. No one in my family will help. They all enjoy the tanks, but I'm the dirty job guy that makes it all possible.
I know the feeling CSnyder. I did consider calling my Dad and asking him to help me today but the last time I did that we ended up having an arguement ... I can't face an arguement when I'm already stressed and mad!
CSnyder00 said:
Rinsing sand and boiling driftwood. Time consuming and boring, but totally necessary. I hate both. I get to do both today! Setting up a new 75 gallon. Wish I had another set of hands. No one in my family will help. They all enjoy the tanks, but I'm the dirty job guy that makes it all possible.
No need to boil driftwood, in fact it may make the wood rot faster :/
Simply give the wood a good scrub and rinse well and then pour boiling water over it a couple times, that should do the trick.
Rinsing sand though, is a boring and repetitive job, I'd agree with that :nod:
Oh I hate filter cleaning.
I always end up re-joining that wet t-shirt comp too!!
No I am leaving that alone, I wont say things like we want to see photos.
what i hate most is cleaning Juwel tank filters, there are so many layers! 
NickAu said:
Oh I hate filter cleaning.
I always end up re-joining that wet t-shirt comp too!!
No I am leaving that alone, I wont say things like we want to see photos.
I clean my filters outside. Or in the Bath Tub in winter time. I try and always do it outside with a hose or a bucket of aquarium water. If you can clean it outside its not a big deal and the grass loves it. I don't use my kitchen sink to clean my filters YUK the Tub is the best place to do it inside the house. You just have to clean the Tub after so I do my filter cleaning when the tub is in need of a scrub. 
I love all my aquarium jobs. The chore I hate is doing laundry. I hate it so much! I don't know why but I just don't like it. 

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