Teugelsi Bichir


I'm a girl.
Dec 19, 2005
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Orlando, FL, USA
Common name/s: Teugelsi bichir

Scientific name: Polypterus teugelsi

Family: Polypteridae

Origin: Cross River, Africa

Maximum size: 16" (40cm)

Care: Needs a relatively large tank and strong filtration. A 75 gallon tank, minimum, is needed for this species long term. Water conditions are not a big deal, as Polypterus are not really fussy, but care must be taken to keep the water clean. Keep the water between 76-83 degrees (F). The tank should be set up with driftwood pieces and rocks, but must have a sandy bottom, because Polypterus are very clumsy when eating and if there is a gravel bottom, the bichir can ingest it and get intestinal blockage (which leads to death). Bichirs are nocturnal species and giving ample hiding spaces during the day and subdued lighting can entice them to come out more and feel more comfortable.

Feeding: For juveniles, bloodworm, brineshrimp and finely chopped earthworms. For adults, beefheart, earthworms, pellet food (high in protein), raw market shrimp, and any other meaty food will be taken without hesitation.

Sexing: Males have a pocket like anal fin.

Breeding: Unknown

Comments: A fast grower, like other bichirs. This species is more elongated than other bichir species, which gives easy identification.



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