Ten Gallon Tetra Tank Ideas


Fish Gatherer
Feb 26, 2013
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I'm tasking myself with keeping my friend from running a disaster tank. Her betta died (as I've discussed in an earlier thread), so I'm donating one of my filters, some better substrate, and some of my plants. I also intend to help her stock the tank. She wants, as many new fish keepers do, fish that are inappropriate for her ten gallon. So here are a few things I'm coming up with to satisfy her need for a lively community.
1. Neon tetras (these don't seem to be hardy in my area)
2. Cardinal tetras
3. Glowlight tetras
4. Guppies? (We have soft water, but the guppies and other livebearers I used to keep seemed healthy enough in the softer water. If she wants guppies, we can add a little bit of something to the filter maybe.)
She liked the lyretail mollies in the shop. She likes the LFS advice of one inch per fish (NO). She likes that the PetSmart people are more "anything goes" with stocking than I am. 
I think she may also be interested in having a "show" fish for her tank. If we went with a dwarf gourami with any of those tetras, do you think we'd be pushing it? I've never kept gourami.
On a side note, I've been thinking about honey gourami for my peacock gudgeon tank (also stocked with emperor tetras and BN plecos), good idea or not?

Or maybe a harlequin rasbora tank? 
attibones said:
I'm tasking myself with keeping my friend from running a disaster tank. Her betta died (as I've discussed in an earlier thread), so I'm donating one of my filters, some better substrate, and some of my plants. I also intend to help her stock the tank. She wants, as many new fish keepers do, fish that are inappropriate for her ten gallon. So here are a few things I'm coming up with to satisfy her need for a lively community.
4. Guppies? (We have soft water, but the guppies and other livebearers I used to keep seemed healthy enough in the softer water. If she wants guppies, we can add a little bit of something to the filter maybe.)
She liked the lyretail mollies in the shop. She likes the LFS advice of one inch per fish (NO). She likes that the PetSmart people are more "anything goes" with stocking than I am. 
I think she may also be interested in having a "show" fish for her tank. If we went with a dwarf gourami with any of those tetras, do you think we'd be pushing it? I've never kept gourami.
On a side note, I've been thinking about honey gourami for my peacock gudgeon tank (also stocked with emperor tetras and BN plecos), good idea or not?

Or maybe a harlequin rasbora tank? 
I made the mistake of getting a gourami with guppies,mollies,platies and it was a disaster he tried to nip their fins and stuff like that I had 2 die from stress thanks to him. I relocated him but if she wants mollies and guppies stay away from groumies hope that helped.
Yeah the gourami would only be potentially going with the tetras...
How about a Celestial Pearl Danio tank. These are small and colourful. 
Or flame tetras (ember tetras), also small and have a beautiful colour.
Then there are green neon tetras, also quite beautiful.
I was only looking at their sizes, so I'm not sure if they are good beginner fish. If she wants a centre piece fish, then she needs to get a bigger tank. 
Meeresstille has some good suggestions for fish that are suitable.  My only comment would be that if your water is soft to very soft, the tetras would be a much better choice.
On the guppies, it is true these are moderately hard to hard water fish, and there is no doubt they tend to be in better shape/health in such water.  But they are a very adaptable fish (hence their survival in many parts of the world where they were introduced into the natural system for whatever reason) and thus tend to manage when other livebearers would not.  Still, I think the soft water small tetras are a better choice.
Forget the gourami, this is not a good mix in so small a space.
I know it is often difficult to get inexperienced aquarists to understand things respecting fish sizes and tank volume/space.  It happens on forums.  But explain that the small-sized fish in stores are juveniles and they will (or should) grow, and for fish to develop properly internally as well as externally in size, they must have sufficient water space around them.  The "rule" of inch per gallon was better than nothing when it was thought out, but it falls very far short of reality.  There are many factors that impact on a fish's health in an aquarium, from the water volume to the physical length of the tank to the numbers of fish and the species, the environment (decor, water parameters), and so forth.  Providing the best in all these areas is the goal if one wants healthy and thus "happy" fish.  If you can get this across, you will have achieved much.
Meeresstille said:
How about a Celestial Pearl Danio tank. These are small and colourful. 
Or flame tetras (ember tetras), also small and have a beautiful colour.
Then there are green neon tetras, also quite beautiful.
I was only looking at their sizes, so I'm not sure if they are good beginner fish. If she wants a centre piece fish, then she needs to get a bigger tank.
I'm very fond of all of these fish. They are difficult to get in this area, but I'll see if one of the stores can order some.

The fish I mentioned in my original post are all readily available in my area. I will find out what we can do.

Would honey or Pearl gouami work in my three footer (approximately 35 gallons, emperor tetras, peacock gudgeons, BN plecos)?

Back to my pal's tank, assuming we could only get the fish we don't have to order, how many of the tetras should we get? Would 10 glowlight tetras be too many or would it be okay? I have only ever used ten gallons for Betta or puffer tanks so I'm at a loss lol.
I once quarantined 10 young Neon Tetras in my 10 gallon tank and found it way too crowded. It was such a relief when their quarantine time was up. I think 6 - 8 of the smallest tetra species would be OK.
I find it very pretty in small tanks where the landscape is the focus point and the small fish species provide just a little spark with their movements throughout the decor.
The 35 gallon is your tank that you are trying to stock? A honey gourami would be very happy in there. I have one in my 48" tank, and am on a call list for 2 females for him. I have 10 Harlequin Rasboras in there with him and some Red Cherry Shrimp. There also are a few Kuhli Loaches that are getting on in age, which I will not replace as they leave. 
As to the other fish you mentioned I'll let members answer who are familiar with these.
Meeresstille said:
I once quarantined 10 young Neon Tetras in my 10 gallon tank and found it way too crowded. It was such a relief when their quarantine time was up. I think 6 - 8 of the smallest tetra species would be OK.
I find it very pretty in small tanks where the landscape is the focus point and the small fish species provide just a little spark with their movements throughout the decor.
The 35 gallon is your tank that you are trying to stock? A honey gourami would be very happy in there. I have one in my 48" tank, and am on a call list for 2 females for him. I have 10 Harlequin Rasboras in there with him and some Red Cherry Shrimp. There also are a few Kuhli Loaches that are getting on in age, which I will not replace as they leave. 
As to the other fish you mentioned I'll let members answer who are familiar with these.
Yeah, the 35 is mine. I'm not getting any more fish for this tank until at least february, but I can't decide what I want to finish the tank.
Her tank is going to be lightly planted. I'll see if she'll be up for the tinier species like chili rasboras or the ember tetras. Although they would need to be ordered, sounds like we'd be safer getting these than other larger tetras. 
A tank stocked with male endlers would be nice too, they come in many colours
Dwarf Gourami and tetras together always been fine for me
When combining fish, we have to keep in mind the tank size, here is is 10 gallons.
Stay with very small fish.  As someone mentioned, more small fish in a 10g is much more visually interesting.  The larger the fish, the smaller the tank appears.  A group of 12 Embedr Tetra, with a group of pygmy corys would work very well.  If going with the larger species (glowlights, etc) I would say 7-8 is it.
To your 3-foot 35g question, no.  I would not add gourami with what you mention.  Emperor Tetra are active fish, and this is not a good match with the sedate gourami.  They may fin nip too; some of mine did.  The gudgeon I am not directly familiar with, but from my research on SF I would not mix these with gourami either.
Pearl Gourami are beautiful but large.  A group of five (2 males, 3 females) in a 3-foot tank would be beautiful indeed, with a shoal of quiet fish like rasbora.
I personally have a 10 gallon tank, in that I keep 6 male endlers and 6 neon green microrasboras (kubotai)
As well as some red cherry shrimps and some assassin snails.
Planted with low tech plants.
A very pleasing little tank if i may say so myself :)
(pic of tank in my sig)

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