Tank Themes


Fish Crazy
Aug 3, 2006
Reaction score
staffordshire - England
Hi all

i have just bought a 3.5 gallon tank and i now want a theme for it. i am going to purchase my bettas from K.G bettas as he lives in the next street ( must call him so i can see his bettas)

i love what fknm did with his buddha theme but i dont want to copy that

any way i had a bit of an idea but im now thinking against it because of size but here goes -

dividing the tank having a bit of a heaven and hell side one white betta and one black/red. making one side all nice and heavenly and one side dark .

what do you think ?

let me know what you think

Dan :good:
That would be cool! I always like the Bamboo forest theme.
fancy living round corner from kg, I would be there every day just :drool: he would have to get a police restraint order to keep me away :shout:

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