Tank of yellow cherry shrimp dead


New Member
Feb 22, 2021
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Hi guys,
I had a tank of 9 yellow cherry shrimp and over the last week they have all died, there was one left but it died last night. Whilst inspecting the corpse of the final one I have noticed small red markings and circles, does anyone know what this is from? Maybe a parasite? The tank also has had a lot of super thin white worms in which were up to 2cm online, I read they were harmless though so didn’t worry too much.
water tests Indicated no abnormalities over the last few weeks also.
anyone have any idea on what has happened? Thank you for your time


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i know basically nothing about shrimp but i’m so sorry for you loss. hopefully you find the problem. what are the tank parameters?
How long has the tank been set up for?
What is the ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and pH of the water?
How long have you had the shrimp for?
Have you added anything to the tank in the 2 weeks before this started?

White worms coming out of the substrate and spreading over the glass are normally detritus worms. They usually live in the substrate and are never seen. If they are swarming up the glass, then there is something wrong with the water and substrate.

The quickest way to deal with the worms is by doing a 75% water change and gravel cleaning the substrate every day for a week. This removes gunk from the gravel and cleans the water up and the remaining worms will go back into the gravel. This is also what you should do if you every lose a fish or shrimp.
Make sure any new water is free of chlorine/ chloramine before it's added to the tank.

If you haven't cleaned the filter in the last 2 weeks you should do that too. Don't replace the filter media/ materials. Just wash them in a bucket of tank water and re-use them.
How long has the tank been set up for?
What is the ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and pH of the water?
How long have you had the shrimp for?
Have you added anything to the tank in the 2 weeks before this started?

White worms coming out of the substrate and spreading over the glass are normally detritus worms. They usually live in the substrate and are never seen. If they are swarming up the glass, then there is something wrong with the water and substrate.

The quickest way to deal with the worms is by doing a 75% water change and gravel cleaning the substrate every day for a week. This removes gunk from the gravel and cleans the water up and the remaining worms will go back into the gravel. This is also what you should do if you every lose a fish or shrimp.
Make sure any new water is free of chlorine/ chloramine before it's added to the tank.

If you haven't cleaned the filter in the last 2 weeks you should do that too. Don't replace the filter media/ materials. Just wash them in a bucket of tank water and re-use them.
The tank has been set up for 6 months.
I don’t have nitrate test but nitrite and ammonia are both at 0 and pH is 6.7 which is standard.
have had the shrimp in there for 5 months and not added/ changed anything recently.
the worms are free swimming aswell, they don’t go on the glass, when I turn on the light they retreat.
and thank you for the tips, and yes I use dechlorinator on the new water.
There's something wrong with the tank because the worms are coming out of the substrate. The worms might also be contributing to the shrimp deaths.
Hey :)
Like the other tank mates, shrimp is sensitive to nitrite levels. For nitrates, this seems to be harmful only at very high doses above 80mg/L.
Shrimp is especially sensitive to nitrite during its sloughing.
Check copper : copper is very toxic to almost all invertebrates.
Calcium and other trace elements like iodine and strontium are necessary for shrimp to build up its chitin shell. Without these necessary elements, sloughing will not be able to take place or carapace will remain soft leading to the death of the shrimp.

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