T5 Bulbs

Not a problem at all. Will check the exact stuff tomorrow as I am sure I have the bulb box somewhere in the closet.

My clips are a bit different, basically similar but plastic with no bent bit at the end.

Yeah, it is more the drilling bit that is the problem rather than the how to. MAYBE my husband might be able to borrow that sort of thing from work... not sure as its not exactly that sort of work... must have one though. Otherwise... I am surrounded by old grannies. LOL
Hello again,

FYI, your tube will have some numbers written on it (near one of the ends), I can identify it from these if it saves you having to search...

I appreciate that access to tools can be difficult.. don't let hubby get into any trouble at work...

Could you supply some measurements, these should help decide on how to proceed.

Looking for: The distance between the tube support clips and the width of the clips (just the bit that goes around the tube.)

Finally, is the hood made of metal?

Let's see... I have the tube's box.... it says....

25W, 750mm/30"
Fresh water lamp
0 (with a slash through it) 26mm

That's about it other than it sings its own praises on the box. LOL

Distance between clips is 64cm. There is another set of holes but not all that much more useful, the are just inward 2cm on either side... so the second set is 60cm apart.
I've bought Easy-Life EasyCarbo to try out. So far, I've dosed just slightly under the dose it stated.

To recap.

You have a T8 25W tube fitted. Length 75cm.

Your existing clips are 64cm apart and the other holes are 60 cm apart.

So by simply using the second set of holes whilst keeping the same socket to tube clip separation then you could use a tube 4cm shorter.

The next power rating down is 18W. These are 600mm 24". You would need to redrill the hood and reuse/renew the tube clips.

Looking at your lighting controller:

It appears to be this one: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/ARCADIA-ULTRASEAL-25W-30W-FLUORESCENT-LIGHT-CONTROLLER-/200543402301?pt=UK_Pet_Supplies_Fish&hash=item2eb151793d

This one is designed for 25 - 30W and consists of what appears to be a standard magnetic ballast / starter combination.
Now, I don't know the specific ballast fitted but I can guess the generic manufacturer..

This ballast will drive an 18W tube but I **STRONGLY** recommend that you don't do it.
The tube life will be reduced by approx. 10% (as it will be overdriven). The ballast (and hence the whole controller) will run hotter... How much hotter depends on exactly which ballast is fitted. This **could** be problematic, so I wouldn't attempt it.
it would be possible to retrofit this and that etc. but then cost effectiveness becomes an issue.

Please don't take from this that I am implying that your controller is unsafe, or of poor quality... I'm not.
It will perform perfectly safely if used as the manufacturer recommends.

It would appear that the only way to reduce your light levels is by looking at other solutions... either a different light altogether or by adopting one or more of the excellent suggestions from other posters.

Good luck.

Hmmm... I think I will give the EasyCarbo a couple of weeks to see if that helps any, if not I will see if maybe I can get another light fixture, so long as that isn't too expensive. Shame I can't fit the one they gave me with the tank, it fits the smallest type of bulb, but with no way to anchor it short of drilling more holes which is sort of most of the problem.

See http://www.ebay.com/itm/T8-Fluorescent-Dimming-Sleeve-Tubeguard-NEW-/260759034363

I don't know how suitable this would be.

Other T8 dimming sleeves (and coloured versions) are available on ebay UK and elsewhere .

I will look it up... I didn't have that term to use, I was searching reflectors and shades and coming up with nothing, also searching tinted condensation tray. LOL Maybe I'll have more luck with dimming sleeve!
So.... I'm not sure that stuff for the plants is having any effect really. I have tried looking for those bulb sleeves but can only manage to find them in colors like red, yellow, pink, etc. I was looking for tinted plastic sheeting but can't find the right size and have no means to cut them....

And now for the crazy part... I was looking for something in the shops and came across a transparent tinted bath mat... and got an idea... I am going to cut that and stick it to my condensation tray/lid... has those suction cups on it and everything. My thought it maybe just a strip along the back half where it is the most directly under my light.
I don't know if this will cure the algae on plants issue... but... it seems to be giving my fish a sort of "black light" effect. My neons and my blue guppy especially look quite brilliant.

I just wanted to get back and say... my crazy idea of putting a blue transparent bath mat cut to side onto my condensation tray/guard to shade my light..... appears to be working! I've had no new algae growth on my plants, just the minimal bit on the front glass. I've also just gone and adding some cherry shrimp to my tank and they are slowly removing the algae on the plant leaves. They are working a bit more on the right side of my tank than anywhere else... so I can tell it isn't just them clearing the problem as it is also improving on the other side where they rarely go.

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