New Member
My male swordtail was the first fish that I got for my tank and I have recently added to females to the tank for some company from of his 'own kind' per say. Anyway, long story short, I think my one female swordtail is pregnant as she is significantly bigger than the other female. I'm just looking for confirmation and a bit of advice.
Here is my female Ava on Sunday (05/03)
Here is Ava today (07/03)
She is swimming perfectly fine and if anything has an increased appetite, so I know she isn't ill.
Thanks for any advice you can give!
My male swordtail was the first fish that I got for my tank and I have recently added to females to the tank for some company from of his 'own kind' per say. Anyway, long story short, I think my one female swordtail is pregnant as she is significantly bigger than the other female. I'm just looking for confirmation and a bit of advice.
Here is my female Ava on Sunday (05/03)

Here is Ava today (07/03)

She is swimming perfectly fine and if anything has an increased appetite, so I know she isn't ill.
Thanks for any advice you can give!