Super Gluing Aquarium Plants


Aug 16, 2011
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Saw a beast Java fern in LFS for 3.99 and want it!

Pretty much, tieing Java fern is a pain and I'm not to be doing it again, I want to use superglue!

I have 2 small supeeglue but how can I know if they're safe, I lost the packaging and the bottle has nothing but a small sticker

I know it need cyancolaye or something to be safe, I remember seeing that on the original packaging but can't be 100% sure, do you think it would be OK anyways?
If you're not sure then I'd rather fork out the small cost of a new tube of superglue.  They're about £2-3 from a supermarket, not much to pay for peace of mind.
daizeUK said:
If you're not sure then I'd rather fork out the small cost of a new tube of superglue.  They're about £2-3 from a supermarket, not much to pay for peace of mind.
Thanks and also how do I glue it, what if the superglue smothers the rhizome?
Work out exactly where you want the plant to go, so it looks natural and fits into the wood as well as possible (so look for little cracks and dents in the wood where the plant can sit).
If the wood or plants have been underwater, dab them with a towel or some kitchen roll to get most of the water off, but they don't have to be completely dry.
Put a few, small drops of superglue on the rhizome, where it will be touching the wood. Press the plant onto the wood and hold them firmly together for a good thirty seconds (even if your glue says it sets in 10, still hold it for the full half minute to make sure you've got a really good bond).
You only want to use a tiny bit of glue; first, because that's all you need, and second, because the glue will show up white, so it'll look unsightly if you use too much (although it does fade in time, and the plant will grow to cover it too.
fluttermoth said:
Work out exactly where you want the plant to go, so it looks natural and fits into the wood as well as possible (so look for little cracks and dents in the wood where the plant can sit).
If the wood or plants have been underwater, dab them with a towel or some kitchen roll to get most of the water off, but they don't have to be completely dry.
Put a few, small drops of superglue on the rhizome, where it will be touching the wood. Press the plant onto the wood and hold them firmly together for a good thirty seconds (even if your glue says it sets in 10, still hold it for the full half minute to make sure you've got a really good bond).
You only want to use a tiny bit of glue; first, because that's all you need, and second, because the glue will show up white, so it'll look unsightly if you use too much (although it does fade in time, and the plant will grow to cover it too.
Thanks for the kind advice :)

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