Sunset Platy Sitting at bottom of tank


New Member
Mar 26, 2017
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I just got 3 new platys (sunset, Mickey Mouse, and a painted, all males) two days ago to add to my already running 20 gallon tank (1 betta, 1 guppy, 2 platys, 2 catfish). The Micky and painted are behaving just fine, but ever since we got the sunset he just sits at the bottom. I haven't seen him eat or swim higher than a 1/4 way up. We had the water tested and everything came back fine. We do 1/8-1/4 tank water changes every couple days. I don't know what could be wrong or what to do. Help please.


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I'm a bit confused on your water test readings, is the "1/8-1/4" part the results? Could you please list the number readings with the thing being tested? Make sure you are testing Ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates.

Physically the fish looks alright to me, so think it's a water issue. What is the temp at and is the tank cycled? How long has it been set up?
What sort of catfish?
I'm a bit confused on your water test readings, is the "1/8-1/4" part the results? Could you please list the number readings with the thing being tested? Make sure you are testing Ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates.

Physically the fish looks alright to me, so think it's a water issue. What is the temp at and is the tank cycled? How long has it been set up?

We had the water tested at Petco for everything. All of them showed at good levels. Im sorry i dont know more specific. The temp is at 74. We do 1/8-1/4 tank water changes every couple days, so 2.5-5 gallons at a time. This tank has been set up for at least 6 months.
Hmmm well I would do a 50% water change just in case. My rule is when in doubt, do a water change. Fresh water always seems to perk up ill fish, even if the water isn't the main problem.

Have the other fish been picking on this one? He might be taking longer to adjust to his new home if you just got them. It can take a few days to a week for new fish to get comfortable.

As for the catfish, the emerald sounds like a corydora catfish, which really needs to be in groups of their own species. With your current stocking I think you will be okay adding another 4 more corydoras. Trust me, they are much more active when they have friends. I inherited my sisters's single cory and finally got her 4 new friends and they are always on the move or resting together in a huddle.

Not too sure what you mean by a dwarf suckerfish, could you mean a otocinclus? If so then they also prefer groups.
If not an otocinclus, then perhaps it's a pleco of sorts or a chinese algae eater. the CAE get pretty big aggressive and will attack tank mates as they mature.
None of the fish have been picking on the sunset. Sometimes they hang out by him but no nipping or anything happens.

The catfish seem fine. Both active and both eating. The emerald doesn't stay still for long and the otocinclus is always changing spots. I've had them both and the guppy for just over a year. The betta we have had for almost 2 years and the platys have been between 6 months to now depending on which one.

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