Sunset Platy And Red Wagtail Platy Hybridizing?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 25, 2012
Reaction score
New Hampshire, USA
Right now i have a low female to male ratio for my platy. I am going to add a couple more females. I currently have sunset platy which is a nice yellow-Orange color and i am thinking about getting a couple red-wagtail platy.
I am basically asking if you think they could make interesting offspring or should i just get sunset females? Please let me know.
I have a red wagtail male (his tail is a pintail so it tapers off to a point) and an orange sunset female. Their babies are just coming out plain orange. This male has also mated with my blue tuxedo (mickey mouse platy) and their offspring are more interesting. They are orangey/red with the mickey mouse marking on the tail and they have kind of an irredecent shimmer to the body. Really nice fry :)
The cross between color strains is completely unpredictable to me because I do not know the dominant and recessive genes involved nor the genetic history of your stock. I did learn, at a lecture at the American Livebearer Association convention this week that the wag tail itself depends on the presence of 3 separate dark color dominant genes which include the twin bar, a dark spot, the head on a mickey mouse pattern, and a third gene which escapes me right now. Without all three being present you do not get a wag tail or the dark dorsal fin. One thing that jumps out at me from the lecture I attended is that if your wag is not homozygous for the wag features, you cannot predict the ratio of wags in the fry. The body color is obviously linked to other genes because we see all kinds of body colors with wag tails.

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