Suggestions Please!


Fish Crazy
Mar 25, 2012
Reaction score
Hi all, just been offered a B shaped tank, height 62cm, length 60cm and width 36cm at the widest point. Dont know about litres, its hard to know with it being curvy. It has a heater and filter, what fish can i put in it? :huh: Dont want tiny fish like "minnow" size. Oh and its open top so no jumpers!
Thankyou in advance
B shaped tank, like a bow front? Or is it literally shaped like a B?

Given the somewhat small foot print, you'd be limited to still pretty small fish. Biggest I'd go would be Bolivian Rams, maybe pearl gouramis, with some medium sized tetras such as black skirts or red eyes.
Looking from above, the base is shaped as a B.
Will google image your suggestions. Thanks :)
Havent got the tank yet, i'll see if i can get a pic off internet!
Its like these ones:
Its like these ones:

Both items on ebay have been unlisted as they have sold so the tanks in question are not visible.
Is the shape a problem?
I havent got it yet, should i look around for something else for my 70cm gap? :fish:
the shape shouldn't be an issue, but like some of the above posters said i wouldn't go for very large fish i would go for the small to medium sacle size fish myself.
Why not have a small planted community?
Why not have a small planted community?
Just not my thing, used to own a few minnows and didnt think they had any character.
I really like black moors but just couldnt accomodate a tank big enough in my 70cm gap.
I like bettas but it would be hard work to keep lots of little tanks.
I like the look of the cory cats (i think thats what they're called) but dont know much about them yet.
still researching :book:
I'd look up all the different Corys and see which type you like and then possibly have them with a sand substrate, along with a male Betta and some Cardinal Tetras or something. It depends how much you like Bettas :)
Decided against that curved tank, going to get a rectangle one, so my fish have more room.
Really like the arcadia arc tanks, i think they do a 60l that would fit in my space!
Got plenty of time to decide on my fish while the tank cycles.
Thinking along these lines;
Leopard cory (do they like to be on their own or should i get a couple?)
Betta :wub:
Would i few guppies work with this?
Corys are best in groups of about 4 or more :)

I'm not sure Guppys would work with a Betta but people have probably had experience of them working and others of them not. My guess is they don't mix well...
I've read that Bettas and Guppies do not like to be kept together, as the long fins mean that bettas see guppies as potential rivals. :crazy:

With Corydoras, 4-6 is the minimum in the tank.

Sorry to be a bearer of bad news about the bettas with guppies. :sad: but corys are awesome, and they'd be fine with bettas

Edit: Joshwainwright you just beat me to it!

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