Substrate For Glosso


Fish Herder
Feb 28, 2009
Reaction score
Glasgow, Scotland

Just in the process of getting things together for setting up the new 180l. I had planned on using cat litter substrate, however I just had the thought that it may be difficult to get glosso to root in. (See this topic for the plants I intend to keep).

I doubt I will have any real substrate shifting fish like cories - the only bottom dweller types will be ottos and probably some amano shrimp, so they aren't at least gonna pull it up, but think the size of grain on the cat litter might be a bit big for it to root and not all float away :crazy:

Any suggestions substrate wise? Like, I love the ADA soils and how they hold the plants, but I just can't afford nor justify the price of them.
Just thinking, would I be able to top the cat litter with sand? It would give it a more natural look and would help the glosso root... Don't know if the sand would all just sink down in between the cat litter particles though.
yes the sand will sink to the bottom after a while...Glosso will do OK in inert substrate though

this glosso was planted in just sand like so...

close up top by Ian Holdich, on Flickr

and did well with just Easycarbo and TPN+

snap shot by Ian Holdich, on Flickr

Glosso grows a lot slower without any C02 source, but the main thing with Glosso IME, is getting a good amount of flow around the substrate. Glosso is a lovely plant.
Plan is to have pressurised CO[sub]2[/sub], 1200lph filtration and maybe an additional powerhead if needed, dosing TNC. Tank is 180l.

Planned plant list is:
Pogostemon Erectus
Blyxa Japonica
Lindernia Rotundifolia
Alternanthera Reineckii
Limnophila Aquatica
Rotala Rotundifolia
Nymphoides "Taiwan"
Cryptocoryne Wendtii "Mi Oya"

Would I be able to grow them all in an inert substrate like sand or fine gravel like dorset pea or something?
nice plant list...

it's be a pain in gravel, it's be best in sand to root. If i was you, if you're buying the TNC stuff, i would buy some of the TNC plugs as well, to pop under the sand. They will leach into the water column giving plenty of nutrients from the start up.
Cheers :D I'm looking forward to this scape - it's gonna be fun :p

I've been looking at the Unipac sands on AE - think I'm leaning towards the samoa, not sure whether to go for coarse or fine though - apparently there's only a mm or 2 between them :blink: lol

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