

Fish Fanatic
May 24, 2013
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I just posted a topic stocking my 72 gallon bowfront a couple days ago, but I have since changed what I want in it.
16x corydoras
9x colombian tetra
1x firemouth cichlid
1x pearl gourami
1x striped raphael catfish
1x albino bristlenose pleco
1x blue phantom pleco
Again, there is plenty of driftwood and plants and caves, and I have a cascade 1000 canister and marineland penguin 200 biowheel filter. Half of the tank is sand, and the other half gravel (eventually I may convert it to all sand).
So, what do you think? Is the firemouth going to destroy plants as much as a severum or another similar cichlid would? Will he be aggresive to the tetra, corys or gourami? Will the plecos act aggresively to eachother? Thanks for any answers or suggestions.
I will say this about the Raphael, make sure you get stuff planted and rooted before putting it in, especially if he's 3+ inches

Mine isn't even that big (í think he got stunted somehow I've had him for at least 4 years) and if I add anything new I see it floating the next day.

And for stocking I think you're good though I have yet to look into cichlids deeply enough to be positive.
Thanks for responding! The raphael is about 1.5" right now. My plants are either attached to driftwood and rocks  (anubias sp.) or in terracotta pots.
They should all get along. As I said on your other post, firemouths are fairly peaceful compared to other similarly sized cichlids.
One thing I will say though is that all of your fish apart from the gourami and tetras are bottom feeders so there may be a lot of competition for food.
Hmm...Is there anything I should do to limit that competition? Should I get less than 15 cories?
If you just reduce the amount of bottom feeders you have and replace them with mid water or surface dwelling fish then it should be fine.
What you replace is just a matter of preference. You could either keep the cories and get rid of the plecos or only get about 8-10 cories and keep everything else.
You could then either get some more Colombian tetras or get another species all together.
This is just my personal opinion though so you may want to wait for a second one before making any decisions.

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