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Fish Fanatic
Feb 8, 2005
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Hey, after 28 Days my tank has finally cycled. So I did a 50% Change and went straight out and bought my first inhabitants.

6 Neons
1 Albino Pleco

Its a 15G Hex

I was thinking of getting a further:

2 Rams
possibly a Beta

what you think?
your albino pleco will get too big for your 15 gallon tanks so you best take it back to your local fish store... ASAP!

Here's what I recommend:
1 female Betta (see if you can find one that is non-aggresive)
6-8 Neon Tetras
3 Otocinclus Cats

2 Ram Cichlids (m/f pair)
6 Neon Tetras
I know the pleco will grow but at the moment he is about 1 inch long.
Besides by the time he gets big I may have a large tank. If he does grow fast I will return him;

He's doing such a good job in there though!

The Neons seem happy so I think I may introduce a pair of rams and leave it for the time being. Not really into female betas the one's ive seen are not very attractive.

Any other feature fish that would work? I want to stay clear of gourami as I'm not too keen on them.

What bout a couple of Guppies? or a angel?
Don't get any more fish without giving back your pleco first. They are huge waste producers and in such a small tank, if you add more fish, they won't be able to handle the heavy bio-load. Guppies might work, an Angel WON'T. They need bigger tanks to be happy. The thing about guppies is that you get SO many fry and you'll need an extra 10 gallon to put all your fry in as they are born and then when the fry grow up you have to deal with culling and inbreeding and all those other problems with guppies. Culling is how you discard young guppies that are disfunctional and that don't swim properly. In this case, guppies are very hard to deal with in my oppinion.

I just noticed you said when your tank fist finished cycling you went out and bought your Tetras and the Pleco. If you did your research you'd find that Neon Tetras do well only in established tanks that have been inhabiting fish for at least 6 months. Just watch out for your Neons, they may get sick...

Here's the line-up I recommend:
2 Ram cichlids (get a pair)
6 Neons
MAYBE 2 Ottos
I wouldn't reccommend Rams until your tank is at least 6 months old, they are very sensitive and need a mature stable tank with excellent water parameters. On a positive note, I have kept neons with male Betta's successfully, the neons are generally too quick for the slow moving Betta. Enough said re the Plec, a couple of Cory's would be the best bet for bottom feeders, again Otto's need a mature tank.
Thats my problem.

Cos I have a small tank I dont want to fill it with "boring" fish. I thought the whole point of fishless cycling was so you can add most fish at the end of it...thus the neons.

If I knew this before I would have just stuck a few danios in there and be done with it.

As I was planning to keep neons, rams and a bottom feeder, the obvious choice was to get the neons first.

With regards the plec (lol..but not that funny) I was advised at my local store that this was the best choice! So i'm a bit pisssed at what I've heard. I wanted to get two corys but told that the plec would be okey, he's only an inch if that, he doesn't even weigh a leaf down, and he's gorgeous!

I cant for the life of me find a oto anywhere. I live in South Wales, Uk and have tried at least 5 shops across South Wales (my work makes me travel) any only ever spot plecos and corys, I was told flying foxes (think thats what their called,) were good, but they look huge.

Will all stores take fish back? I am inclined to keep him though! sorry mobern..oh and I did do my research, believe me! :shifty:
The Flying Fox is probably (hopefully) a Siamese Algae Eater. It would get to be about 6" long, so you're right -- too big for this tank. SAEs are amazing algae eating machines, though!

-- Pamela
If you nix my suggestion of the ottos and substitute some cories you could start with 3 cories and once your tank has gotten a bit older, you can add your rams then your neons. The Neons are the most sensitive.
If you need something to fight algae you could go with snails... ottos aren't necessary and cories are much for interesting and cute in my oppinion...


sounds great!
The only algae I've ever seen my cories eat was from the algae tablets I gave them, and my tank is overrun with the stuff. :p

As to the guppies, you could get some, if you don't want to hassle with keeping any of the fry they will get eaten by the rams and the guppies themselves if so inclined. Or you could just get all males, but free live food for your rams is a good thing...

And while everyone is telling you to get rid of the pleco, I don't know what kind it is, so I'm going to ask before telling you to get rid of it. I love the little buggers myself...

As long as you keep up with water changes and have good filtration I shouldn't think a smaller type pleco would be a major killer bio-wise.

And while snails are cool, if you think guppies breed fast... Well, just do a search that includes the words 'OMG, HOW DO I GET RID OF ALL THESE SNAILS?!?!?!?!!' and I'm sure you'll see what I mean. ;)

Have fun :D
Since it is a 15 HEX I might not get a pair of rams. My rams like to have a lot of swimming space and one of my males even seemed unhappy in a 29 gallon. :/ I would go with the betta idea.

I would get a small female betta (about the size of a full grown neon tetra maybe) and then that would be it. :nod: Since you have the plec and he creates so much waste, I would understock just to be safe. :thumbs:
The Pleco was called an albino pleco; it isn't a bristlenose thats for sure!
The guy in the shop said it would get bout 4 inches long?

I still cant decide whether to take him back :X

I got no option with the neons now anyway; their in there now; and seem perfectly happy; feeding well and chasing each other.

I never see the plec anyway lol he likes to hid, but as sson as the light goes off he's out.

One thing I have noticed is there is like little areas of reddish-brown forming on my sand. If i touch it it goes; it doesn't seem to be algae, is it waste?

Also; what is an acceptable nitrate reading? will nitrate over say 50ppm cause dropsy or does it need to be alot higher?

Thanks :D

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