Stocking Question.


Fish Fanatic
Jan 24, 2014
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So I have a 36 gallon bow front..and the current stocking is 5 rasboras, 6 bloodfin tetras, and 6 kuhli loaches...

I've been toying with the idea of adding a single angel as a center piece. According to *stocking calculator* this would be fine, but I've read conflicting information while researching this..

My question is does anyone have experience with something similar, and is this a feasible stocking?
Hi, those stocking calculators are not really that accurate... it wouldnt show any issues off right now as your stocking is still very light but yeah its best to use forums and finding other tanks similar to yours to work out what will happen...
An Angelfish could work in there - as long as the tank is 18 inches tall but you could also consider some of the other cichlids in this tank. Bolivian Rams, Apistogramma, Laetacara, Checkerboard Cichlids, Cupid Cichlids, Guianacaras, would all work in this size tank :)
I would caution on adding an angelfish or for that matter any cichlids to this tank with Bloodfins.  Assuming the latter are Aphyocharax amisitsi, they do have a fondness to nip fins of slow or sedate fish when confined with such.  This seems to be a trait of all of the presently-recognized ten species in this genus, including A. rathbuni (the "Green Fire" Tetra) and A. paraguayensis [more correctly A. nattereri, but even more recently moved to the genus Prionobama] which is a true terror in a small package.  I personally would not risk this.
You might also want to increase the rasbora, as this family of fish does better with a few more.  Assuming you are referring to the common Harlequin, Trigonostigma heteromorpha, a group of 8-9 would be nice.
Yeah, I am still debating the angel, though I dont have my heart really set on it, and would definetly be open to another fish.
Yes they are harlequin rasboras, I have been planning on getting a few more since they seem to school pretty tightly, much more tightly than my tetras.
I think I will go browse around the lfs tomorrow and see what they have. I checked out petsmart earlier and all their fish just looked gross.
So I upped the bloodfins by 1, and the rasbora by 2. And opted for a very attractive German blue ram. My tank is officially stocked.

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