Stocking Plan For 120L - Semi-Final Draft!


New Member
Dec 16, 2012
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Hi guys,

So my 120l has arrived

I've decided to use bottled ammonia to cycle it rather than filter media from my betta tank; poor Maedhros has fin rot again so there's something odd going on there, though ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and pH readings are all fine so I'm not entirely sure what's up

While the new tank's doing its thing, I've come up with another draft stocking list and wanted to see what you guys thought. Aq Advisor reckons I'm slightly overstocked but I'm getting an external filter with extra capacity and am committed to careful weekly water maintenance...

1 x Pearl Gourami (or another centrepiece fish, if you guys think this won't work).
4 x male guppies
6 x Panda Corys
12 x Chili Rasboras
1 x fancy plec (I like Scribble Plecos, but am open to other suggestions, though obviously towards the smaller end of the pleco spectrum!)

Would this work? My tap pH is 6.5.

That looks like a good stocking plan to me; some shoalers, some bottom dwellers, some colour for mid-tank and a beautiful centrepiece. My only reservation would be the gourami possibly going at the guppies - I have only had a DG myself but he was quite grumpy and let's face it, guppies annoy even the most placid fish. Platies may be a better option but others may be able to advise?

Quite often people want to bung too much in, they want one of everything but if you stick with one big lot of shoalers like you have done, you will get a much bigger impact.

Some may say overstocked but I think these things are a personal choice - my tanks are overstocked, probably, but I do regular maintenance and never had a problem yet...
Thanks for the response!

I've heard that Pearls are more peaceful than DGs, but I have heard of people having issues keeping them with smaller fish too
would a Honey gourami be a better choice, maybe, since it's smaller?

Although I do like the Pearls...hmm...
If your research is saying it will be fine, I am sure it will be. Good luck with it!

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