Stocking Advice

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Dec 4, 2013
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i have a fluval roma 125 which has been running for a month and slowly adding the fish into the tank to help with the cycle and would like some stocking advice???
i already have;
1 Honey gourami
3 Rummy nose tetras
2 Cardinal tetra 
any ideas of what else i could add or how much more????
maybe something to help the clean up 
All ideas would be appreciated
You could always add some kind of corys to help with the tank clean up.  Also a BN or rubber lip pleco for algae.
Before you think abut adding more fish, you should ensure that your tank is cycled, if you didn't do a fishless cycle using ammonia, before you started stocking.
Checking that would involve testing for both ammonia and nitrite every day for a week. If, during that time, you see no traces on either of those toxins, you can consider yourself cycled. If you don't have test kits (liquid or tablet ones, not the paper strip kind), you should really invest in some; they are an essential part of every fishkeepers kit.
After that, you really need to up the numbers of your shoaling fish; both the rummys and the neons should be in a large group as possible, but six of each species would be the minimum.
There are no fish that will 'help clean up'; they all make more mess than they every clean up and all need proper, species appropriate food of their own. 
Cardinals always look better in larger groups, their colors are just so nice.
As far as clean up, if you're worried about algae get a bristle nose pleco (They grow to about 4 inches) or a group of 4+ Otto's
If you want help cleaning up excess fish food go with Cory's (A group of at least 6)
Or you could go the invertebrate route, shrimp and snails :)
I personally would not add Cardinals to a new tank I waited about nine months before I started adding them to my tank and built up a nice group of twenty and they do look nice. I also have Serpae and other tetras with no fin nipping etc.
There is no nitrate or ammonia I had to put the fish in only after a week becAuse my old tanks seal had gone but I added over some of the filter content to speed up the cycle
I have been doing 10% water changes every 3 days for the past 3 weeks just incase their was a nitrate spike
Yeah I wanted to add more cardinal and rummy how many you reckon I could put in
And you think I got get enougher honey or gbr in their

Up your shoals to six of each. That would pretty much fully stock your tank, but you could try another GBR, of the opposite sex to the one you have now (they don't always get on though), and you could have a trio of the honeys; one male and two females.
i would go with maybe a silver shark or 2. and i love red tail shark only the one though and maybe a plec of some kind
Silver/bala sharks grow huge (at least a foot). Definitely not suitable for this tank; they're also shoaling fish.
Nor is the red tail shark (too big at six inches and too aggressive), nor most plecs; a bristlenose would be okay.

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