I'm thinking of setting up an aquarium at the community I'm living at which will be around 191L. It will have a 20L internal filter attached to it (so basically 171L) for the fish.
I'm thinking of adding loads of filter media, and maybe some java moss balls at the top of the filter too (which will be hidden)
With regards to plants the idea is to stock it using: Java Fern, Anubias, Vallisneria and Amazon Swords - all low light plants and a bit slow. Will not use CO2.
My set up (although Aqadvisor.com says its a bit over stocked) is planned as so:
4 x Angelfish
2 x Dwarf Gourami
6 x Congo Tetras (Depends on price - never saw them in Malta)
8 x Serpae Tetras
6 x White Cloud Minnows
1 x Swordtail M
2 x Swordtail F
1 x Platy M
2 x Platy F
1 x Sailfin Molly M
2 x Sailfin Molly F
3 x Siamese Algae Eaters
6 x Panda Cories
In all fairness I'm not seeing it as overstocked, although the Congo's and Serpae might be a bit over present in the community.
Any ideas what I can look at? The fish need to be hardy and can't much rely on cleaning and water changes - could be the guys at the community in years to come will not be willing to spend time on the aquarium.
I'm thinking of setting up an aquarium at the community I'm living at which will be around 191L. It will have a 20L internal filter attached to it (so basically 171L) for the fish.
I'm thinking of adding loads of filter media, and maybe some java moss balls at the top of the filter too (which will be hidden)
With regards to plants the idea is to stock it using: Java Fern, Anubias, Vallisneria and Amazon Swords - all low light plants and a bit slow. Will not use CO2.
My set up (although Aqadvisor.com says its a bit over stocked) is planned as so:
4 x Angelfish
2 x Dwarf Gourami
6 x Congo Tetras (Depends on price - never saw them in Malta)
8 x Serpae Tetras
6 x White Cloud Minnows
1 x Swordtail M
2 x Swordtail F
1 x Platy M
2 x Platy F
1 x Sailfin Molly M
2 x Sailfin Molly F
3 x Siamese Algae Eaters
6 x Panda Cories
In all fairness I'm not seeing it as overstocked, although the Congo's and Serpae might be a bit over present in the community.
Any ideas what I can look at? The fish need to be hardy and can't much rely on cleaning and water changes - could be the guys at the community in years to come will not be willing to spend time on the aquarium.