Hello! It's been awhile since I have posted a topic and been on the forum. I hope to get back into helping people on here Anyways let me get back to the question at hand. I have an old 10 gallon tank that's been running for about 8+ years (It is my original tank) it has a amazon sword in it that is growing and looking pretty good. The tanks main purpose recently was to be a place for my older guppy moms and one random platy that snuck into the bag one time when I bought my first endlers. As of now the fish in the tank have died off due to old age. I was going to start using it as a grow out tank for fry but then thought about maybe starting something new in it. so does anyone have any recommendations? I want to avoid Livebearers and tetras. And preferably a species that would get along well with guppies if I ever need to put some new older moms in the tank. I don't know if there is a fish that meets those requests but hey! it's worth a shot
Tank info.
Water: Soft
Age: 8+ years
Cycled?: Yes
P.H. and other specs: I honestly haven't had the water tested in years, the fish seemed fine and I didn't feel like I had a reason to.
Tank info.
Water: Soft
Age: 8+ years
Cycled?: Yes
P.H. and other specs: I honestly haven't had the water tested in years, the fish seemed fine and I didn't feel like I had a reason to.
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