Starting New Tank Need Ideas

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Mostly New Member
Oct 11, 2014
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I'm starting a new 20 gallon tank, Dimensions are 24'' X 12'' X 16''. At this point all I have is the tank. I really wanted to research and strategically plan out this tank as best as I could meaning filter, lighting, plants, fish, etc. and get it all to work together. I was wondering if anyone on here had some good ideas to help me brainstorm and create the best tank possible.  
What is your pH and water hardness? You could have a few peacock gudgeons in a twenty gallon with some chili rasboras or glowlight tetras (I think these guys match up). Plant the tank with some elodea, bacopa, amazon compacta, water sprite or wisteria, water lettuce or duckweed (or similar) and you could have a well planted environment. Or you could do a cherry shrimp colony with celestial pearl danios in a similarly planted manner. That would look lovely.

Personally I'm rather fond of larger schools of tiny fish in densely planted tanks. I'm also fond of just a few fish in a densely planted tank. You could get a single stunning betta and a few snails. Or I think sparkling gourami would work in this size tank, but I'm not sure. Like I said, some information on your water will help.
I haven't put any water in the tank yet. Basically I want to decide what fish to get then begin building my tank around what bests suits them. There are just so many different combinations and possibilities I get excited and a little overwhelmed so I was hoping to post something here and see what kind of feedback I get.
You can test the pH and hardness from your tap water (I assume that's what will be going into your tank). An idea if your water is hard or soft, alkaline or acidic, will give a better idea of what fish would live happily (closer to their natural environment) in your tank.  For example, no point putting Discus into a high pH tank, they won't like it at all.
Gotcha, I tested my pH level and it came to 7.4, Hardness is 80 ppm, and Alkalinity is 120 ppm. 

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