Hi all,
I have been reading the forums for a while, and thought I would post a picture of my 55 Gal tank, now I have changed the substrate to sand. I am trying to create a south american biotope, so the plants are Amazon Swords, Star Grass and Vallisneria.
The fish are;
2 Cockatoo Cichlids (Pair)
7 Bristlenose Pleco's (Pair plus 5 babies between 3 months and a year old)
13 Ember Tetras
7 Black Tetras
6 Cardinal Tetras (this will be increasing to around 12)
I would welcome any comments, especially from anyone who also has a South American / Amazon setup.
I have been reading the forums for a while, and thought I would post a picture of my 55 Gal tank, now I have changed the substrate to sand. I am trying to create a south american biotope, so the plants are Amazon Swords, Star Grass and Vallisneria.
The fish are;
2 Cockatoo Cichlids (Pair)
7 Bristlenose Pleco's (Pair plus 5 babies between 3 months and a year old)
13 Ember Tetras
7 Black Tetras
6 Cardinal Tetras (this will be increasing to around 12)
I would welcome any comments, especially from anyone who also has a South American / Amazon setup.

