sorry all about my post

Seriously I don't really like them either gixer, I can't see what you've missed -_- But bettas seem to be the most popular fish on these forums so I'd be careful what you say ;) You should know how protective people are of their fish :p
Wolfe were did your post go it was quite friendly when i went off? -_-
interested said:
Wolfe were did your post go it was quite friendly when i went off? -_-
well interesting i removed it
i upset ben with a few of my comparisons i think it was the puffer=hitler remark that upset him, so at the risk of that meanining somthing offensive to him i decided to close it.
What a shame it was a good discussion
did u get my e-mail wolfe?
Me neither, i dont like livebearers, bettas or mbuna cichlds.
I think this post gix was to apologise for starting a topic on which fish people hate. The aim waas to apologise for this topic and avoid it happening again, so lets stop saying what we hate and say what fish we LOVE...............

!1) Oddballs!!!

2) Catfish (especially synos)

Now its your turn!
Ok fish i love

1) Pimeloid catfish, bagrids come a close second

2) Oddballs, particually the predatory kind

3) Pike cichlids
I love all fish.
except Bettas which I hate!!

Oh no, thats going back to the beggining!!!
:lol: :lol: :lol:

(I don't really hate them, I'm just on a wind up!!)
I like pretty much every fish EXCEPT...

Parrotfish, just dont click
Flowerhorns, just plain wrong.
Any dyed fish, complete cruelty.

fish i love
3)blood parrots
5)african cichlids
6)discus(more of an expert fish(if not im sorry ive never had any luck with them))
7)goldfish(i like them but i found out they need a big tank and i want a long lived goldfish)
9)rams(not suitable for a hardwater biotype(unless theres a way i can put them in there)
10)opalinne gouramis(one bullied my poor mollie to the point of killing 2 expensive sailfin mollies)
the fish i hate more than anything
1)NONE :lol:
i love all fish but these are the ones i love or the ones i really want (in time lol)

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