Some stocking questoins.....


Fish Herder
Sep 21, 2004
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I'm trying to decide what I need to add to fill in my current stocking and what I maybe still should add. I would like advice and options please.

125 Gallon Tank Current:
10 Guppys (8 Females & 2 Males)
3 (maybe more) Guppy Fry
7 Adult Corys (3 Bronze & 4 Pepper)
3 Juvie Corys (Peppers)
3 Otos
2 Kuhli Loaches
1 Dwarf Sunset Fire Gourami

I also have 2 Female Sunset Fire Gourami's I need to pick up from the LFS.

Now, I know I need more Otos, but how many should I have in a tank this big? I was thinking 6, but is that enough?

I'm trying to increase to 7 each of bronze and pepper then I plan on adding 7 Panda and 7 of another rare more expensive species as I am starting to get a good hang of breeding corys (I currently have 20+ fry in my 10 Gallon. :) ).

I know I need to fill in my Kuhli Loaches and I figured another 4 would make a good group of 6.

Now, I need a smaller fish that will eat snails. I know many people are going to say Clown Loaches, and I would love some clown loaches, but they just don't fit in with this tank. At 12" they could end up tearing my plants to pieces and with the characters/personalitys I have read about on this site I don't think I woudl have the heart to give them away and their is no guarantee I could have a tank setup for them by that time.

I'm also thinking another trio of Dwarf Gouramis (Blue Neons), but what else should I add?

Some possibilities (in order of preference):
Dwarf Chain Loaches - Stay very small (~2"), great snail eaters, can be expensive
Zebra Loach - fairly small (~3-4"), good snail eaters
Yoyo Loach - medium sized (4"), decent snail eaters
Okay, what about other fish also? This is a 125 Gallon tank and I am staying with smaller fish for this community tank.

It is heavily planted also.

EDIT: I'm researching the golden zebra loach. :) Thanks for that info.
Get as many otos, khulis and corydoras as you want but then I would stop adding bottom-dwelling shoaling fish :p
What about a fish for the middle layers? Some kind of tetra? Maybe some cherry, checker, golden or golden dwarf barbs? You said you wanted to stick to small fish - what about harlequin or spotted rasboras? More livebearers? Platies or swordtails perhaps...
I know I said no more bottom fish but you have a large tank... what about a small to medium-sized pleco :p The zebra loach is also a good idea.
You could also add the dwarf gouramies you wanted... but what about adding a couple of pearls? Or you could try moonlight gouramies though they are slightly more aggressive and larger...
Okay, here is what I want for bottom dwellers:
4 Different Species of Corys in groups of 6 or 7 with one group constantly being out of the tank for breeding. :)

4 or 6 Kuhli Loaches.. Some help here for numbers because I'm not sure on a good number for loaches.

4 or 6 Golden Zebra Loaches - same as above.

My otos spend very little time on the bottom but I thought 3 more of them for 6.

For Plecos, I like them but unsure, other than bristlenose, what ones stay around 6"? I'm still trying to decide what to do with my common that has been temporarily rehomed in my puffer tank, but can't stay their since it will be going brackish soon.

I'm not even sure what level to call my Gourami that I have at the moment. He goes anywhere from top to middle to bottom, depends on his mood.

I've seen some cool swordtails, just don't see them around here and I really don't like buying fish without "seeing" what I am getting. I.E. I like to at least know what they look like. :/ I also thought about some black sailfin mollys. :)

So, here is what I am at sort of:
24 Corys (4 different species 18 in the tank at once)
5 Kuhli loaches
5 Golden Zebra Loaches
6 Otos
6 Dwarf Gouramis (2 Male 4 female 2 different looking ones)
10 Guppys (+4 fry that I can see)

I have thought about tetras and rasboras, I just don't want the "common" ones. I spent a lot of time picking out my guppys for colors, etc... so they would look kind of "different" than what the normal is and what I would like. I would like the same out of the Tetras/rasboras. I haven't seen pictures of rasboras, but I know I don't want cardinal, noen, or rummy nose tetras. What others are their?
Other than harlequin and spotted rasboras that are pretty common, I don't realy like rasboras all that much. They are great looking shoaling fish but lack character.
Oh the tetras... so so many :p
black phantoms (black skirt) are not typical-looking tetras and not that commonly kept though easy to find. The males have longer fins than the females and they will display to one another which is mesmerising to watch... You literaly get hooked on watching them lol
Glowlight and black neon tetras are also pretty but don't have any peculiarities or interesting characteristics.
Personaly, I think rummynose tetras (which you already mentioned) are stunning if in good condition and in a large shoal...
X-ray fish are interesting in that they are transparent and you can see all their organs. However, they don't like much light so you must have shade for them.
Another unusual characin is the blind cave fish. They lack eyes but are good shoaling fish. They also preffer a dimly-lit tank however.
Most pencil fish are also suitable.
There is also a fish called the swordtail characin which I've never seen in an LFS but was hoping to get hold of some day. They look very pretty in large shoals and have interesting finnage.

Also, don't disregard golden dwarf barbs for a small, attractive shoaling fish. They are very pretty when in good condition.

As for plecos, my favourites are the bristlenose plecos but clown plecs (only 3 inches) and golden nuggets don't get that big either I think. Only get one pleco if you do.
If you can find one, a pretty peckolitia grows to a reasonable 4 inches and is a great algae-eater, though territorial. Not quite a pleco but similar in many ways.

6 Dwarf Gouramis (2 Male 4 female 2 different looking ones)
What do you mean by '2 different looking ones'? Just make sure your females out-number the males ;)
The phantoms sound cool, but I've read they can be agressive and teritorial on here, is that wrong or just uncommon?

If Clowns only get 3" then I may get 2 Clown Plecos. :)

By 2 different looking ones, my current male and the 2 females at the LFS are "Sunset Fire". The other trio I want are Dwarf Neon Blue.
I have never found black phantoms to be aggressive. Maybe you mean black widows? Black phantoms wont bother any other fish and even the males do nothing more than display to one another. However, they should be in quite a large shoal, not so much to limit aggression (I've kept 5 without problems) but more because they look best in a large group. I don't know whether other people's have been temperamental or I was just lucky though... pretty sure they'd be fine in your tank.

Anyone else had experience with these by any chance?

The clown plecos should be fine though they may fight over territory occasionaly.

I get the gourami thing now :p
I would think carefully before adding loaches with corys (besides khulies). I've heard many sad stories about loaches pincking on corys and eating their eyes. Thought allmost in every case loaches has been zebra loaches... Just be carefull

Good luck with your tank! :D

Well, I haven't made a decision yet on loaches other than Kuhlis. My snails are breeding, but from everything I have read they only breed when their is food. I think my problem may be in Algae control.

I did add 2 Black Phantom Tetras and another Oto today though. :)

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