

New Member
Oct 6, 2013
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Hell all, After some opinions Please...
I Have Planted 3 Plants into an Empty Aquarium and found I had a stow-away snail arrive. I know they are cleaners so am not totally against having him in there (I think).
However in a couple of weeks once its ready and running for a short while (maybe 3-4 weeks) I am hoping to get shrimp as my cleaners, would they work well together, hinder each other or is it just personal opinion? 
I have heard that snails can breed like wild fire and i don't want to get swamped with them.
Many Thanks In Advance
Snails can be beneficial to your tank and won't bother your shrimp at all. So long as you don't over feed the tank the snails won't over populate.
I also had a snail arrive on a plant that I bought and I thought he was cute so I kept him. That was about a month ago and now my tank has over 50 snails in it. I do not over feed my fish and I vacuum and do water changes often so there is no algae build up in my tank. I don't know what the snails are eating! Maybe there is no algae built up because the snails eat is as fast as it grows; who knows. Anyways, I bought a couple of Assassin snails and I'm hoping they chow down on the little snails; I can't bring myself to kill them. At least this way they are a natural part of the food chain. Good luck :) 
Are you about to begin cycling the tank? If so imagine all the ammonia is going to kill any snails that were brought in D:

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