Slightly Cloudy Water? Should I Worry?


Mostly New Member
Jun 22, 2016
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I returned from a trip to the petstore after work as I had my eye on one of their new adult angelfish in stock. After returning home with my new angelfish I noticed my tank has a slight cloudiness about it. I can still see the fish and plants clear enough but it looks like I dropped a few spoonfuls of milk in there. I did a gravel vacuuming and water change last night, water was nice and clear. I only feed my fish once every three days. Half a pinch of flake food for my one angel (at the time) six sinking pellets for the 6 corys, and the occasional blood worm or two as a treat. I checked my water parameters with my test strips and they came back safe. Any ideas?
AbbeysDad said:
Since you stirred up the substrate, it will likely settle out in a day or so.
Ok, I was just a bit worried that it might be a random bacterial bloom. I'll keep an eye on it.
FroFro said:
Ok, I was just a bit worried that it might be a random bacterial bloom. I'll keep an eye on it.
That's exactly what it will be if it looks like you've dripped milk in to the tank. You can reduce the cloudiness and send the bloom on it way by performing daily water changes.
Bacterial blooms generally only occur in new set ups so if that is the case then that'll be why it's appeared :)
I always see slight cloudiness after a water change, and more so after cleaning the filter.  These are usually bacterial blooms, though stirring up sediment (microscopic particulate matter from the substrate) is also likely.  Leave things to settle naturally.

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