Sky Broadband - Avoid At All Costs!

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Fish Aficionado
Oct 28, 2006
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Kent, UK
Sorry for the combination of a complete vent and warning here :)

Basically I cancelled my Sky TV subsrciption just before Christmas because it was complete rubbish. After about a week someone from Sky phoned me up and said they could offer me the same TV package + 8mb broadband (something like a 40gb DL limit) for £32 a month. I was paying £29 a month for my normal broadband so I thought, why not, sky TV for £3 a month.


The switch over from my old provider (Nildram, who I should have stuck with as they are brilliant!) happened yesterday. I hadn't been sent the account information from Sky so I phoned them up to get the connection settings (getting the connection settings from your ISP provider should not be a big issue).

After speaking to a script reading technical support guy I was told that I needed to use the crappy cheapo netgear they provided (rather than my £300 cisco router/firewall). Not being in a mood to argue I plugged it in to find out the bloody thing didnt work. Not an issue I thought just get the account details set up my current router and away we go.

Apprently not!

Due to the completly stupid system Sky uses they dont pregenerate an account name and password for you. It is hard coded in the router firmware so when you connect for the first time your account name and password get assigned to your phone number. As such they refused to generate an account name and password for me and I now have to wait at least 5 days for a replacement router to come through. I was also told that if I use any other router I would be breaking their terms of service (despite the guy who sold it to me on the phone never telling me that this was part of the agreement!)

After 3 hours on the phone getting passed around, put on hold and hung up on I contacted their UK hand office. They where supposed to be calling me back today but suprise, suprise, no call. The other crappy thing is that if your router breaks out of warrenty they dont even have a system set up to sell you a new router and they wont replace it for free so you are left with a service you can not use.

As I'm self employed and spend a lot of time working from home this is likely to cost me about £800 for the loss of service this week so I'm pretty ****** off. If it wasn't for the fact that cancelling it and switching back to nildram is likely to leave me without a connection for 2-3 weeks I would cancel it all right now.

So if your thinking of using Sky as a broadband provider DONT DO IT!

If anyone happens to work for sky broadband and can give me a solution to work around this crappy system PLEASE pm me :)
Thanks, unfortunetly the link used for the new black routers is not working but if one person had found a way to do it then someone else out there must have done as well.
I'm with sky broadband haven't had any problems, it ocassionally doesn't work for all of 10 minutes and when I spoke to their customer support a few times whilst arranging to move to them they were very helpful. Although I am using the router I got from them and not the one I already had.

I used to be with Tiscali who are the worst company ever, 5 weeks I went without the net because they couldn't figure out what was wrong with the line. I was back and forth on the phone to them telling them that the problem was there end and not my actual phone line and they had the nerve to argue with me and told me it was my phone line that was dodgy. I had a BT engineer come out and check the line, the local exchange checked it wasn't a problem there and yet tiscali still insisted it was BT's problem not there's. As soon as I changed to Sky the net worked so obviously it was there problem, I managed to get a fair bit of money back from them. One thing I do appreciate is the fact that the people you speak to at Sky speak english properly, nothing more annoying then having to repeat yourself several times because the idiot at the other end can't understand you, esp. when your speaking in technical terms.
Perfect for me.

If you want to retrieve your username and password pop over to the sky user forums, use google.
Yeah once I got a router I found out what the username and password was. Just stupid that they cant actually give that to you though. it also took 4 hours on the phone just to get them to cap my speed down to 5mb (in the end I found a way to bypass their rubbish teir one tech support and managed to talk to someone who knew what they where talking about and got it done in 30 seconds).
I just signed up to Sky Broadband last week, and have not had a single problem so far.
All the kit arrived within a few days and U/N and P/W aswell.
Just got to set it all up tonight as today is the switch over from BT, who are tooo Expensive.
Got a Deal for 55 Quid for Phone/Broadband/Sky with all the channels. Main Reason I have gone for Sky is that all the Non uk Phone Numbers We Call Every Day are now unlimited with Sky. Cheapest BT were offering was 6ppm even with the International discount option.
BT were charging me nearly 30 quid just for 4 meg BB and Sky can give me over 8 to a max of 16meg.

One ISP who IME people should avoid is Bulldog, Nothing but problems.
Hi all I have been with sky broad band now for over 1 year 16mb I get about 6mb download which is really good :good: as my next door neighbors can only get 3mb, :crazy: and to be perfectly honest the only reason I have stopped with them this long is because of the speeds.
I have never been able to access my sky email account my connection is very temperamental but the download speed when working is really good.
I put all the probs down to the netgear router, as it over heats then drops the connection it takes ages to cool down before you can get back on the net
After reading this post I am going to have a go at getting my details out my router when the kids have gone to bed {I will post again to let you no if it has made any difference more reliable connections ect} with my new router
Most phone lines can only handle 4.5 meg anyways, any higher and d/c happens a lot or the net runs slow, i ahve had to ask my isp to cap me at 4 meg and now its faster than ever, i could never get my full 8meg capability due to the crappy phone lines :S
Tried to get this on my mum house. We had BT 512 adsl max as she lives way out in the sticks...
She wanted the free or the next one up 5 pound extra I think on top of TV sub... But the sky person told her that the exgange was full??? And then tried to offer her the 17 pounds per month sky connect???
What the difference in giving her the cheap broadband with her TV sub then paying 17 quid a month? When there is far better ISP far cheaper?
One thing I do appreciate is the fact that the people you speak to at Sky speak english properly, nothing more annoying then having to repeat yourself several times because the idiot at the other end can't understand you, esp. when your speaking in technical terms.

I hear yah!! Nothing to do with the subject.. But I spent 2 hours and 3 phone calls to India over my credit card. Trying to explain to them that I could not access my old email account and needed it changed to my current... In the end I got put though to an English woman who fixed my problem in a few mins....

At one stage one of the guys said "But sir you need the internet to access you're account online!!"

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