So I'm looking at HOB skimmers for my tank (lido 120 litre). The delec mce300 seems to be the front runner at the moment. But I also thought an alternative solution would be a HOB refugium which appeals for some reason. Maybe the fact is seems more natural.
There seems to be a lot of conflicting opinions on whether a refuge can replace a skimmer. If I go the refuge route is there a size recommendation for the size of tank? Bearing in mind it is a HOB I would be intereseted in. I have to think aesthetics, noise and function.
Bit of a head wrecker this one
Maybe go with neither. At what point as your stocking increases does your tank tell you that another form of waste removal is necessary? Increased nitrates, algae etc. I think I'm rambling now. LOL.
There seems to be a lot of conflicting opinions on whether a refuge can replace a skimmer. If I go the refuge route is there a size recommendation for the size of tank? Bearing in mind it is a HOB I would be intereseted in. I have to think aesthetics, noise and function.
Bit of a head wrecker this one
Maybe go with neither. At what point as your stocking increases does your tank tell you that another form of waste removal is necessary? Increased nitrates, algae etc. I think I'm rambling now. LOL.