Skimmer Or Refugium


Fish Addict
Sep 14, 2011
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So I'm looking at HOB skimmers for my tank (lido 120 litre). The delec mce300 seems to be the front runner at the moment. But I also thought an alternative solution would be a HOB refugium which appeals for some reason. Maybe the fact is seems more natural.

There seems to be a lot of conflicting opinions on whether a refuge can replace a skimmer. If I go the refuge route is there a size recommendation for the size of tank? Bearing in mind it is a HOB I would be intereseted in. I have to think aesthetics, noise and function.

Bit of a head wrecker this one :rolleyes: .

Maybe go with neither. At what point as your stocking increases does your tank tell you that another form of waste removal is necessary? Increased nitrates, algae etc. I think I'm rambling now. LOL.
I am doing a refugium on my tank. A HOB refugium can be modified from an aquaclear filter,in fact thats what im doing.
Crazy, what are you going to put in your refuge?
Space mainly. That would be two things hanging off the tank.

I want to do things relatively straight forward.

Put a dsb in your tank if you don't already have one and chaeto in a nylon or mesh bag and hide it behind rock. You'll have pretty much close to both without hanging 2 things on the back of the tank.
Deltec skimmers are very nice, a great choice on your part! :good: If you choose a dsb it needs to be at least 4", preferably 5". Once the bed is in the tank, never disturb it unless you just vacuum teeny tiny little amounts as you will suck up all the good stuff. The bed needs to stay anaerobic and disturbing it will cause serious problems. If you don't have sand sifting snails, get lots and lots of them as they will keep it very clean. There also are fish that like to burrow and will keep it clean and sifted a bit without disturbing the bottom of the sandbed. Chaeto is by far the best macroalgae for consuming nitrates but the darn stuff floats and clog up filters if not kept in a sock or nylon.
I don't agree.

IMO sandbeds of any depth need the occasional gentle stir because if left untouched you can develop dead spots where decay & particularly nasty gases can build up.
They need to be stirred on the surface but not at the bottom.
Please read this Managing a DSB

The one thing he advises is not to add sand-disturbing fish or creatures like sand sifting starfish. Eventually they starve as they have consumed the food at the top of the sandbed as well as breaking it down. Dr. Shimek has a phD in marine biology so I am inclined to take his advice.
Please read this Managing a DSB

The one thing he advises is not to add sand-disturbing fish.

Yes I am well aware of that article - Dr. Ron is well respected.

But if you search you will find articles by Anthony Calfo who suggests that they only don't need manual stirring if you have sufficient animals & water turnoever to do it for you.

Personally I think the risk from hydrogen sulphide forming in dead spots far outweighs any possible benefit from leaving it undisturbed.
My point is not having snails stir the sandbed, my point is to not stir the bottom. We can certainly agree to disagree, and I have read many articles from Calfo.

Perhaps I'm confused about what you're saying because my earlier statement regarding sand sifting snails is what Calfo said regarding this, and what I suggested is needed for a dsb.. I never implied that people stir the bed, surface or otherwise but emphasized not to stir the very bottom.

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