"Sieve Cichlid"


Jan 24, 2005
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Probably on the bus to Brock U.
Anybody have an info on these guys? I want to keep one in a tank that also houses a Jag, but I have a feeling they would fight, because they are related.


DB :fish:
Yeah they would probly fight. A jag will fight with fish that arent related too :fun:
Nandopsis grammodes. "Smaller" guapote, adult males can reach 10-11+" SL. Very aggressive piscivore. Found in rivers in nature, so any current in the tank won't bother them at all. Feed only low-fat foods, they bloat easy (most Nandopsine fish do). Keep water extra clean as they can be sensitive to "dirty" water. Did I mention they are aggressive? Well, they are. I wouldn't keep one with a managuense, sooner or later you'll have a problem.

edit: where did you see/hear them called "sieve" cichlids? That's a new one to me.
Do you have a link to the specific thread? I used to know a mod over there, maybe he can tell me where that common name came from. It's interesting.
they are called the mini-dovii. according to Jeff Rapp's they are exactly like a dovii only smaller and should be treated as such. currently they are exCichlasoma grammodes and are awaiting further study and classification. They are no longer considered Nandopsis. Also, I've been feeding mine all kinds of foods including soft n moist krill, beefheart, bloodworms etc. and have seen no signs whatsoever of bloat. :)
no, the fish in my avatar is my female red terror (festae). my grammodes are still pretty small and don't take the best pics yet. once they get a bit bigger they may get some time in the avatar. :D
Last time I spoke with Jeff I think he considered them still Nandopsis. That's been a while, though. And all those foods you mentioned are low fat. Jeff tipped me off on the high fat vs. low fat food after I lost an istlanum to bloat. A sad day.

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