Sick female betta


Fish Fanatic
Mar 4, 2021
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My female betta is sick but I canā€™t work out what is wrong with her.
Water parameters are fine, all other fish ok including one other female betta. Itā€™s not an aggression thing as I have had her in a breeding net to separate her for the past few days and no
damage or signs of aggression. She is lying on her side on the bottom of the tank and struggles to swim. I thought it was swim bladder but after not feeding for 3 days still no improvement so I have fed her blanched peas but she hasnā€™t eaten them.

She seemed to be breathing very quickly 3 days ago but that now seems to be back to normal.

Can anyone think what might be wrong with her?
Welcome, I'm sorry about your betta. It may help to identify an illness by several things. If she is in a community tank, please list the parameters of the water, the tank inhabitants (living and non) is the tank cycled? How often do change water? Is only dechlorniated water added? Pictures may also help someone to diagnose her
Parameters are nitrite 0 nitrate 1 ph 6.8 chlorine 0 ammonia 0.5
Inhabitants are platties, angels, corydoras, cardinals
Tank has been running for about a year so yes itā€™s cycled
Water changes once per week about 20% once per month 40%. Not dechlorinated water but I add tap safe liquid
Why do you think you have an Ammonia reading on your tank. Could you be over feeding.
If anything I might have been under feeding to get rid of a trumpet snail infestation but I have since isolated her in to a breeding net and sheā€™s still been on her side. Iā€™ve given her blanched peas which are laxatives to fish but she wonā€™t eat them. Sheā€™s still breathing, I just have no idea what the problem might be
I havenā€™t used any meds because I initially thought it was swim bladder but not I'm not convinced itā€™s that so I obviously donā€™t want to medicate before I know what the problem is
I havenā€™t used any meds because I initially thought it was swim bladder but not I'm not convinced itā€™s that so I obviously donā€™t want to medicate before I know what the problem is
*Please note I am no professional and am going off my own experiences. @Colin_T is our disease expert.*

My Guess:
With the ammonia, your fish could be struggling because she had an already existing weakened immune system. When a fish's immune system is weak, it is more susceptible to things like ammonia poisoning and ammonia burn. Even with small amounts of ammonia, fish will develop ammonia poisoning. With the laying on the ground and her previous rapid breathing, I think the levels of ammonia are too much for her to handle.

Pictures can also help further diagnosis.

What to do:
I would do a 75% water change with dechlorinated tap water (I use Prime conditioner, but you can also let water sit out in room temperature for a full 24 hours).
Continue to examine her and monitor her behavior. If she begins to float in all different directions, her condition as worsened and you likely will not be able to save her.

I would love to see some pictures. What is your tank size? What is the tank temp as well?

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