Siamese fighting fish


Fish Herder
Jan 14, 2011
Reaction score
London (But have lived in Hull)
my siamese fighting fish tends to keep resting on the bottom, n swimming nnear the filter n gettin stuck..... its looking a lil better but still lays on the bottom....anyone no why?
How long have you had it? Is it eating? Are there any physical signs of disease (eg: spots, patches, discolorations, etc)?

hey em....i got it yesterday and i havent really seen it eat, ive bin feedin it flake food in the mornin and a cube of mixed food(bloodworms, water flees-i think, and shrimp) it has lil white spots, but i think its his colouration and not the disease..... my fish had it before but i got rid of it way before getting this one.... it seems to find saanctury by the directly near the filter.....any ideas
maybe its still trying to settle down.

Bettas vary greatly in personality, some are very active as soon as you bring them back, and some will hide for a week, or even more! Just keep an eye out for him and let him get used to the new surroundings.

Is it in your community tank or in a tank on its own?

If it is with the fish in your signature I would say it's probably getting quite harrassed by other fish in your tank.

I agree. Its either being harrased, or its exhausted because 1 the tank is too big and its too tough to get to the top, or 2 the filter is too strong for the poor little.

Bettas tend to like peaceful calm tanks.

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