Shrimp Seperation


Fish Fanatic
Jul 28, 2017
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I have had problems getting a male cherry shrimp from my LFS to start a shrimp colony. I have loads of females just no male. To fix this I am just going to order in some shrimp instead of picking up a few at a time at the store. Should I keep my new shrimp separate or will adding them to the female group be okay? I have had the old shrimp for about two months now with no breeding success.
Some stores do sell mainly females as they are more attractive and to prevent costumers from breeding their own. Are you 100% sure all the shrimp are female? Males are smaller and usually have little to no red coloration.

If both groups of shrimp are healthy I see no reason for keeping them separate.
From what I can see I think they are all female I do have one that is splotchy red but it has a saddle so that believes me to think that it is a female.

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