Shell Dweller Questions


Fish Herder
Jan 7, 2014
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So, once again I have an empty tank. I broke down my sorority, and am left with a 20 gallon!
So, I've been researching shellies for a while now, and finally have the tank to house them. I've found a few I like..
Lamprologus speciosus
Neolamprologus caudopunctatus
Neolamprologus multifasciatus (I know about these guys..they sound great)
Neolamprologus brevis
Neolamprologus similus
Anyone have experience with these?
So! I have a 20 gallon aquarium, and my PH is 8 with a hardness of 12-18dH. I'll get the l/w/h of the tank if you need. I have crushed coral (gravel size) to use if need be, but I'd like to either have white or back sand with the crushed coral as accents. I'm hoping to find slate or Texas holey rock to use as rocky portions, and I have many pieces of mopani to stain the water.
I'd like some danios in the tank as dithers, will this work?
Here is a kinda sorta stocking plan..
8 zebra danios
4-5 shell dwellers..depending on species
Will this work?
Thanks for tolerating my questions


I  have 10 or so multis in my colony....their tank is 2.5' x 15" x 12"
They do no like other fish in their territory, so personally i wouldnt add any dithers (also other fish could clean up and fry they may have)
Also the staining of the water with tannin i would not do either, tannin lowers PH
I can get spiderwood, which barely, if at all, stains the water. Just more branchy. :) I'm estimating the tank to be 2'/1'4"/1'.5", but that's not official. (I can't find my measuring tape.)
I actually really don't want fry; any that survive may be fed to a betta...
I've read that faster, top dwelling fish (Tanganyikan fish, like dwarf neon rainbowfish or danios) are irrelevant to the shell dwellers. Should I ditch this idea?
Also, (sorry for all the questions) how active are your multis? This is kinda my family's tank too, and they like to see the stock of the tank. This is part of the reason a dither would be nice, but, if it won't work, I can talk them out of it. ;)
The sand has been decided to be black. Multis are our favorite right now, let's see if we can find them...
I personally enjoy the pop of color some people have with the add of Platies being there dithers...but I wouldnt add any dithers until you see what your shellies enjoy!
I'm done with livebearers, my mom's mollies are pooping fry every second :lol: But thank you for the suggestion.
One more question. Are the shellies prone to jumping? I may not use my T2 on this tank, to dim the light down, but to do that I have to have a less shmancy lid.
Wood is fine in the tank, just dont really want tannin is all.
Awwww fry are fun, bigger colony, more movement in the tank. Mine are fairly active as the colony is fairly large and i have multiple males, making for territory defence lol. You can put dithers in, but no guarantee they will be ok, just have a backup plan.
They wont care what colour the sand is, they will move it and get it how they like.
Shellies tend to stay at the bottom part of the tank, i've not ever had a jumper. Mine are under fairly bright light
Spider wood it is then.

I didn't want to become over grown with fry, since I doubt I would be able to find homes for them. I think I'll leave out the dithers though.

So maybe 8 multis? :)
Lamprologus ocellatus

He was the best fish I ever had I even buried him in the garden when he died. I think it's the smallest cichlid of all the tanganyika lake.
But boy dose it have the biggest character. It would always bite my had when ever I was too close to he's shell. I'd get 1 male and a few females with plenty of shells. Females are half the size of males. It's amazing to watch them physically build their homes and guard them. Males will actually grab a female he chooses with he's mouth and force her into he's she'll and keep her there for breading. My male was silver with a dark purple spot on cheeks (do fish have cheeks?) and in the light you could see a lovely yellow around fins and eyes.


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LyraGuppi said:
I'm done with livebearers, my mom's mollies are pooping fry every second
But thank you for the suggestion.
I'm sure you know this, but i'll mention it anyway...
if you only get males, you don't have to worry about fry.  ;)  
Yeah, I know. :) I may try dithers later, after I get to know the fish.

Ocellatus do look gorgeous, I forgot to put them in my list of species. I'll keep an eye of for them, they are probably my second choice.
baker360360 said:
Lamprologus ocellatus

 I think it's the smallest cichlid of all the tanganyika lake.
Multis are the smallest :)
K, I've started washing out the old substrate and replacing it with the black sand. I believe native rocks with be used. I'm still debating driftwood, lights, and lids, so it may be a while before I get this tank set up xD I refuse to turn this thread into a journal!!
If you don't get a journal thread started.... I will find you, And I will take that tank and start the journal thread myself lol 
I wouldn't do driftwood, just because it would never stay in its original position... they would arranger everything for you! lol
I was so caught up thinking how they'd move the rocks and shells I'd forgotten they'd move the driftwood xD
I will make a journal, no worries. I just need to figure out how I'm even going to source these fish :X

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