Severe Platy Aggression


New Member
Jul 17, 2011
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Hi everyone - im having a bit on an issue here - i have 4 female platy's and 1 male.

The largest female is attcking everything else in the tank, nipping fins and CONSTANTLY harrassing the others including the male APART from 1 other female. this other female hangs around with the aggressive female platy and occasionally nips the fins of the others but is mostly docile.

as i dont want this fin nipping to kick off fin rot or kill any of my fish, can anyone help?

they've been in the tank about a month now, but the aggression kicked in about a week ago.

Well the ratio is supposed to be 3 females to one male. My platys are nippy little things too. All I can suggest is removing the nippy one and taking her back to you lfs. Then you'd have 3 females and one male. Take back the bigger agressive one.
Well don't expect your money back but most do take fish. They can just sell it on again. A lot of people do it, I had to take back some platys myself as I had too many.

Really it's your only option if she's a bully. They say platys are peaceful but they can be nippy. Mine even nip my snail till he falls off the glass!

Also are you sure she's a female? They are very easy to sex, I dunno if you know how? I was told I was given 2 females one male at first and was given all males. Could she be another male?

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