Setting Up Another Tang Tank, Not Sure What To Put In It

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Jan 25, 2011
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Got hold of another external filter so I can set my 29g back up. Have got spousal approval and shotgunned a nice quiet spot in the corner of our dining room. Initial idea was to breed my julidochromis transcriptus that seem to have paired up in the big tank, but not sure as they're tank bred (czech) fish and although very pretty, healthy fish they're not WC or anything special so I'd worry that I would struggle to pass on the fry. So wondering what else I could do with it . . .

Stocking in the big tank is 7 brevis (3 adults, 4 juvies), 4 transcriptus, 1 comp, 3 lucipinnis. I wondered about putting the brevis in the 29 and replacing them with something different in the big tank (could dd more rocks where the shell bed used to be and get some paracyps maybe), or getting hold of a pair of really nice WC or F1 shellies or julies of a different type (not sure what but must be comfortable in a 29) to breed.

Have got loads of spare rocks or shells in the garage so can be shellies or rock dwellers . . .

So what would everyone else do?
How about trying to breed some Lophiobagrus or Phyllonemus catfish? Alternatively, what about the hard to source Tanganyikan Mud Cichlids?
Excellent ideas :) have had a read, I like the look of the Lophiobagrus cats :) will investigate further . . .

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