Serpae Tetra bubble


New Member
Nov 14, 2018
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I’m pretty new to the game and just joined the forum. I have six Serpae Tetras in a 30 gallon tank. I had to leave the country for 3 weeks and had my wife feed the fish and plants. When I got back I noticed a bubble looking growth on one of my tetras. I tried to look up what it may be but figured someone on here may be able to give me a direct answer. Any help is much appreciated!
Welcome to TFF.

A photo of the fish showing the "bubble" would help, as clear as you can get the photo. It could be any one of several things.
Hi and welcome to the forum :)

How long has the tank been set up for?
How often do you do water changes and how much water do you change?
Is the new water dechlorinated before it is added to the tank?

What is the pH of the tank and tap water?

Post a picture clearly showing the issue.
Welcome to TFF.

A photo of the fish showing the "bubble" would help, as clear as you can get the photo. It could be any one of several things.
Hi and welcome to the forum :)

How long has the tank been set up for?
How often do you do water changes and how much water do you change?
Is the new water dechlorinated before it is added to the tank?

What is the pH of the tank and tap water?

Post a picture clearly showing the issue.
I just set this tank up 4 weeks ago. The only time I cleaned it as soon as I got back from my 3 week trip, which was yesterday. I will be cleaning and doing water changes on a weekly basis. I am dechlorinating the new water but haven’t done any pH tests. I just invested in a better heater since my other one wouldn’t bring the water temp above 72.


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The fish has very red sinuses, which is probably caused by ammonia or nitrite in the water. Do a 75% water change and gravel clean the substrate each day for the next week and see if the red colour in their nose goes away.

I need another picture of the fish from the side. The lump could be a really bad case of thread worms but it takes a while to get like that.

I know you have been away fro the last 3 weeks but does your wife have any idea when the lump started growing?
It could be a tumour but they don't normally grow that big that quickly. The other possibility is a cyst and they can grow big really fast. Unfortunately there is not much you can do for tumours or cysts inside fish and the fish usually dies within a month or so of showing the problem.

Apart from water changes and gravel cleaning I would just monitor the fish and if it has trouble swimming or staying upright, or when it stops feeding, then put it down.
The fish has very red sinuses, which is probably caused by ammonia or nitrite in the water. Do a 75% water change and gravel clean the substrate each day for the next week and see if the red colour in their nose goes away.

I need another picture of the fish from the side. The lump could be a really bad case of thread worms but it takes a while to get like that.

I know you have been away fro the last 3 weeks but does your wife have any idea when the lump started growing?
It could be a tumour but they don't normally grow that big that quickly. The other possibility is a cyst and they can grow big really fast. Unfortunately there is not much you can do for tumours or cysts inside fish and the fish usually dies within a month or so of showing the problem.

Apart from water changes and gravel cleaning I would just monitor the fish and if it has trouble swimming or staying upright, or when it stops feeding, then put it down.
Awesome, thank you for the quick response! I’ll be sure to maintain my tank better on a daily basis now that I am home.

If it is a case of thread worms, are my other fish likely to catch this?

Here’s the closest picture I can get of it’s side.


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If it's worms then all the fish will have them. If there are thin red like hairs (about 2mm long) sticking out the fish's butt then its worms. They don't always stick out but do sometimes.

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