Semi Aggressive Tank Variety


New Member
Nov 18, 2012
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I'm looking to add another semi aggressive fish to my tank if possible. Right now I have 1 male betta, 2 dwarf gouramis, rainbow shark, and a bumble bee catfish, in a 10 gallon tank. Am I overstocked? Just right? Or is it possible to add one more semi aggressive fish to my collection of destroyers. So far no one has taken a beating or really tried to punk one another to my surprise. Amazingly they have all been getting along for awhile now. Any suggestion on another fish or am I overstocked? If possible to add another, which would you guys prefer? Thanks in the future and I hope I still have room mauhahahah!!!
Bumble Bee's need a bigger tank, i would say the Dwarf Gourami's do to. You are pushing your luck too far already IMO. Why would you deliberately want to cramp possibly aggressive species in such a small space anyway? Betta's should not be with the Gourami's in that tank.
Pretty much all but the betta need a bigger tank IMO The shark especially given they get pretty big - a decent 6 inches and chunky. The Gourami might be okay but generally not a good idea as they could get killed off by the Betta or visa versa. The bumble bee might be okay but depends on species and are very hard to ID just by eye.

The idea of keeping semi aggressive fish is so that you find a balance - fish that are termed as semi aggressive are often quite inteligent and I personally like them more than very placid fish but its not because of the aggression its the interaction you get from things like gourami, cichlids and some larger catfish.

Would not have the betta in the rainbow shark in my opinion,

Rainbow Sharks in a 10 gallon???
They need a 4' tank to be comfortable as they grow relatively big and are very active fish!

Bumblebee Catfish : Minimum 15 gallon tank. Predatory fish. 3' Minimum tank, 4' prefered!

Betta : prefer less active tank members, and low flow as these are a lazy fish.


Upgrade your tank or Change your stocking, aggressive fish + small spaces is a recipe for disaster

I would not recommend even just the Gourami with the Betta, they are too closely related.

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