Sand or dark slate type gravel.


Fish Crazy
Aug 28, 2020
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United Kingdom
Hey, just me again.
I’m after where is best to get sand and gravel for my change of aquarium style. Going for the more natural look! Is there different colour sands or is it just one colour wanting the best type for plants and to not make my ph go up.

Play sand is one of the best IMO. I find plants grow better in sand. Don’t get me wrong, plants can go in gravel, but not as well...

You don’t need to get any of that fancy “Nutrient infused” stuff they sell at ridiculously high prices. Eventually, the nutrients will run out, and then are your just left with super expensive sand.

You can find play sand for super cheap as well. ($5 for 50lb)

It also has a nice brown color, which I find more natural in every way, than most gravels.

Just to get an idea in your head, of what this sand looks like in a tank with live plants... here is my 29g tank:
Play sand is one of the best IMO. I find plants grow better in sand. Don’t get me wrong, plants can go in gravel, but not as well...

You don’t need to get any of that fancy “Nutrient infused” stuff they sell at ridiculously high prices. Eventually, the nutrients will run out, and then are your just left with super expensive sand.

You can find play sand for super cheap as well. ($5 for 50lb)

It also has a nice brown color, which I find more natural in every way, than most gravels.

Just to get an idea in your head, of what this sand looks like in a tank with live plants... here is my 29g tank:
View attachment 114611

I got told
Play sand is washed in a bleach to
Make it safe?
Is there any colour sands or just one colour for tropical
I got told
Play sand is washed in a bleach to
Make it safe?
Is there any colour sands or just one colour for tropical
I can not speak for other brands of play sand, but I know for a fact that Quikrete Play Sand is 100% safe.

They can’t wash it in bleach, because it has to be safe for little kids to put it in their mouths.

You can get any other of sand you want. They make brown, grey, tan, brown, etc.

I was just suggesting play sand, because it’s a great choice, and it’s cheap. :)
I can not speak for other brands of play sand, but I know for a fact that Quikrete Play Sand is 100% safe.

They can’t wash it in bleach, because it has to be safe for little kids to put it in their mouths.

You can get any other of sand you want. They make brown, grey, tan, brown, etc.

I was just suggesting play sand, because it’s a great choice, and it’s cheap. :)

I do like that idea mate! If you’re using it and other people are then it must be good to go. I want a silver looking sand but somthing that will grow plants well, I’ve looked on swell only seem to have a yellow looking ‘silver sand’
I got told
Play sand is washed in a bleach to
Make it safe?
Is there any colour sands or just one colour for tropical
Be very careful about which play sands you buy for aquarum use. There seems to be more options for people in the US, but as I've warned @PheonixKingZ before, this is not the case in the UK. Most play sands you buy online will have been dyed, and have been treated with all manner of chemicals, some of which might be safe for humans, but will leech into the tank water over time, and are toxic to aquatic life.

Again, please be careful about shouting how safe and great play sand is, without cautioning about dyes!! We don't have the same access to untreated play sand here, and encouraging UK members to just buy any old playsand will lead to dead fish.

Known safe play sands in the UK are the argos playsand, which is cheap and safe, but only comes in one colour. B&Q playsand is also apparently safe, but has been out of stock lately, with so many people at home with their kids.

Lots of places to get different colour aquarium sands online or in stores, just check that the sand is inert- not coral or silicate sands meant for marine tanks, as these would affect your water chemistry. If you plan to keep bottom dwellers like cories, a soft fine sand is essential as they filter feed.
I got told
Play sand is washed in a bleach to
Make it safe?
Is there any colour sands or just one colour for tropical
In the UK Argos play sand is what is most commonly used. If you want something a bit more exotic you can buy specialist aquarium sands which cost a bit more. The one in my signature pic is Unipac black limpopo sand (its actually shades of grey). Avoid anything intended for marine tanks and as previously mentioned specific "plant" substrates are just a waste of money.
I want a silver looking sand
White or very light sand is not good for fish. It reflects the light back up into the tank and this is stressful for fish. No fish have evolved over a light substrate which is why fish are dark coloured if you look at them from on top - to blend in with what's underneath them. Dark or sand coloured sand is better for fish.

Light sand also shows all the fish poop ;)
Thanks guys for all the information! Can alemkne recommend a good online store for aquarium sand in different colours dark colours only like a grey shade maybe? I’ll want fine sand that’s for sure

I have been looking at this

also thinking about making some sort of darker sand path in the middle
If you make a darker path you'll need a divider to stop the two mixing.

That sand doesn't look very pale in the photo; if it really is that colour it's OK. It's lot more expensive than Argos play sand though.......
If you make a darker path you'll need a divider to stop the two mixing.

That sand doesn't look very pale in the photo; if it really is that colour it's OK. It's lot more expensive than Argos play sand though.......

I’m not too bothered about the price tbh mate would rather get the correct stuff over the sake of £10/£15. After all once it’s in it’s in. So any advice on quality sand from any reputable site is welcome mate
The only sand I have used is Unipac silica sand (in my 23 litre tank) and B D Trading sand which I found in a local shop. The silica sand is quite orangey, probably not what you want. But Unipac do make a lot of different sands with different particle sizes. I would look on their website for ideas. there are several on-line shops which sell this brand. Unipac silver sand looks a lot like the sand in your link. Just avoid things like coral sand which will alter the hardness and pH of the water.

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