Sail Fin Mollies


New Member
Jan 28, 2016
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Hi I am new to the forum and have a question to ask
My favourite fish in the world are sailfish mollies and would love to set up a breeding colony of them I have a 70 litre tank ready to do so so I was wondering if this would be possible

The main questions I would need answering would be:
1 is this possible
2 if so how many sailfish mollies could I fit in the 70 litre tank
3 what ratio of male female mollies should I have

Thank you so much in advance
A few points:
  • You would be best having hard water for these fish.
  • A 70 liter tank is too small for sailfin mollies, especially if the plans are to breed them - minimum tank size is about 30 gallons, or roughly 100-120L, a breeding colony would require significantly more space.
  • If you are planning to breed them, before you begin you should have a plan for what you are going to do with all the fry.  (Do you have grow out tanks?  A single female could produce more than 20 young every 4 weeks or so up for up to 6 months from a single encounter with a male.  Do you have a plan for what you are going to do with all these fish once they've grown up?)
  • The traditional ratio is 1 male for every 2-3 females.  Not sure how it would work if breeding, I'm guessing the ratio would likely be better at 4-5 females for every male, and at least 3-5 males.
Thank you for your reply I have hard water so that would be OK
I also have a 159 litre tank I am not currently using so I can use that one if it is more suitable I have 7 other tank currently set up and well understocked and all community tanks so I could put some of the adult babies in them also I have freinds that would be interested in taking some and a few pet stores have already said they would swap them for some fish food for them so that would not be a problem I also have other unused tanks I could use for the growing out tanks all around 60 litres and above

So how many do you think I should put in this 159 litre tank when I set it up in terms of males and females
I'd suggest 5 males, 13 females for a breeding colony.  
Just out of curiosity can you think of any other fish species that would work well in a breeding colony in a tank the size of mine
In a 20 gallon? Endlers ( Poecilia wingei. )

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