RTBS bullying Clown Loaches


New Member
Dec 23, 2016
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I have a 90 gallon tank, 2' by 4' by 2' with one red tailed black shark which is now about 4", 6 clown loaches (ranging in size from a 2" runt to 4" for the alpha) and a dozen zebra danios. the larger fishes completely ignore the danios but the shark has pestered the loaches enough that they are almost always hiding in one of the four caves in the aquarium. What's odd is that he doesn't mind if they're hiding in his cave with him, but if he sees them swimming around he chases them. does anyone have any advice to curb his aggressive behavior?
Remove the Red Tail Shark as soon as possible. The current interaction of this fish with the loaches will almost certainly worsen, until the loaches are dead one at a time. The stress caused to the clown loaches by this "bully" behaviour is severe, it is not play.

Red Tail Shark are not advisable with other substrate fish. While individual fish can vary in their territorial aggressiveness, the norm for the species is not to tolerate other fish in its realm. Aside from this, it also frequently takes a dislike to upper level fish with a vertical stripe pattern, and the clowns have this against them as well.

By the way, the clown loaches will (should, if healthy) grow to the point of needing a 6-foot tank, just so you know.

I agree with Byron, I have 7 Clown Loaches in a 6 foot tank.

Happy healthy Clowns that feel safe do not hide much, In fact they can be a right pain in the..... when you try to do anything in the tank as they swarm all over your hand looking for food.

Whenever I approach the tank all you can hear is loaches clicking with excitement.

Do you know how to care for them and feed them?
I was planning to build a bigger tank eventually. May have to be sooner rather than later. The odd thing is that like I said the RTBS has no problem sharing his little cave with two of the loaches. He only chases them when he sees them swimming around outside. If I do have to separate them I guess I'll move the loaches into the new tank and keep the RTBS in the 4 footer. Any suggestions for what I can keep with him that he won't bully?

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