Same fish, just different names. Same as celestial pearl danio and galaxy rasbora, same name just depends on what the wholesaler list them as. Most pet stores just go off of what the wholesaler says it is.
Thanks for that. I had seen conflicting info on the net some sites said they are the same fish other sites say they are different. I have too say they are very nice fish and if i had the room for one i would definitely consider buying one.
Not quite so straight forward. Heros sp.Rotkiel is a valid species IMO but there are a number of Severum strains and species with red necks so not all Severums with red necks are Rotkiels. There is a larger growing one that is quite common now that has a more orange coloured neck mark.
Rotkiel is German for Red Neck and the "true" Rotkiel was first imported to the hobby by German collectors not sure if they were aware of the other red necked species however I reckon that the fishermen were aware of them and when word spread they were getting popular fishermen were catching them for various locations and thats why we have 3 or 4 species in the hobby now and thats just in the UK!
I have 4 baby rotkeils and all heavily barred atm except 1 who is just starting to fade from the top down. When i bought my belem sevs they were labled as red necked severums. its very confusing
Thats half the problem most of it is not on the net or in books yet... You will know what I mean when you see ones in the shop that dont look quite right...