My second tank to go into the TV room. So will be seen most often. Thinking more of rock aquascape with moss. Possible some floating plants. Stocking wise i'm undecided. Maybe apistogramma. Maybe shrimp. I have a community tank so would like something different. Looking at biotropes.
If I go for the lido i'll need to rip out the internal and put in an external. I would have to see the Roma internal in action before making a decision on keeping . The juwel Lido is £275 and the Roma 90 is £225
Decisions decisions. Anybody have these tanks?
If I go for the lido i'll need to rip out the internal and put in an external. I would have to see the Roma internal in action before making a decision on keeping . The juwel Lido is £275 and the Roma 90 is £225
Decisions decisions. Anybody have these tanks?