Returning to aqauriums in retirement


New Member
Dec 6, 2023
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Wilmington Ohio
Retired and loving it! Now the wife and I have time to devote to our love of aqauriums. I'm a Platy / Cory junkie and she's into communtity tanks and South American Cichlids. I currently have a 5 gallon hex quarentine, 20 gallon Platy grow out, 20 gallon hex male Platy condo, and a 37 gallon Platy girls dorm w/ a Plecto. Corys, Ottos, and Nerite snails in all the Platy tanks. Wife has a Betta nano, 2x 29's, 36 bow front, 45 standard, 55 (just started no fish cycling), and a 75 in a open closet space. She has Angels, three kinds of Tetras, shell dwellers, goldfish (only one comet), Corys, a Golden Algae Eater, Ottos, and Nerite snails (whew!). Easier on the knees and back than gardening....
Well, welcome to our forum...:hi:
Feel free to post some pictures of those tanks and fish...
Retired and loving it! Now the wife and I have time to devote to our love of aqauriums. I'm a Platy / Cory junkie and she's into communtity tanks and South American Cichlids. I currently have a 5 gallon hex quarentine, 20 gallon Platy grow out, 20 gallon hex male Platy condo, and a 37 gallon Platy girls dorm w/ a Plecto. Corys, Ottos, and Nerite snails in all the Platy tanks. Wife has a Betta nano, 2x 29's, 36 bow front, 45 standard, 55 (just started no fish cycling), and a 75 in a open closet space. She has Angels, three kinds of Tetras, shell dwellers, goldfish (only one comet), Corys, a Golden Algae Eater, Ottos, and Nerite snails (whew!). Easier on the knees and back than gardening....
Welcome. Retirement is a great time to get back to our hobbies. Please keep us posted on your experiences.
Hello scottie. I hear you. I retired at the end of 2019, just before all the COVID stuff. I don't know how I took care of all 10 of my tanks when I was working. Just must have wanted to pretty badly. Anyway, now I have a lot of time and increased my tanks by one and set up and maintain a tank for a local business and babysit Koi for the local botanical garden in the Wintertime when the garden shuts down their water feature for the Winter. All the tanks and eight cats and a bird keeps me and my wife hopping. But, at this age, it's good for us. Have fun!

@scottie03 We're here if you have any fish related questions.
So your wife has Angelfish? In that case, she should enter one of them into our Fish of the Month contest which for this month is featuring any type of Cichlid.
CLICK HERE To view entry thread.
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Retirement has been great for me. I've been very busy.

Fishtanks are a lot more fun with time to really dig into what I'm doing. I get to play. I hope your tanks give you as much pleasure as mine give me.:D

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